Leveled PLD some more and now I’m level 70!! YAY! Still didn’t have but 2 pieces of AF so I asked if anyone wanted to help hunt down some coffer keys and like everyone on in the LS said yes… Not only that keys were dropping like crazy, got 2 Beadeaux keys and 2 garlaige keys in just 2 total hours including the travel time. Coffer in beadeaux popped right in front of us so I got my AF legs easy. Didn’t get a chance to use my garlaige key yet but hopefully I will soon. Also went and got the key from castle zvahl and went back later and got the key item for my AF body fight. So I should get that soon as I can find a few people to try it with me… or I get stupid and try and solo 2 mobs at once with my RDM.
I missed a couple of runs of sea due to my schedule changing over but now I’m set for every Wednesday at least. Not much dropped, fought a few things but no torques and haven’t done JOJ in a while for me to try and get the sword.
Been meriting a fair amount lately and now have ice accuracy up to level 4 bringing my total merit points spent up to 83. One more in ice acc, buy back my HQ ice staff and its time to try some stupid death risking stuff again. I think I’ll start with trying fenrir solo and then maybe leveling up blu a bit and trying to solo Chardybris as RDM/BLU. I have the needed merits and decent gear for that so who knows. Worth a shot anyways and I think it would be fun.
SAM is still on hold because I’m still broke as hell. Got down to a meager 7k the other day. YIKES! Still looking for a Dynamis and limbus shell although I do have someone I was told to talk too about joining limbus with so I may have something there.
Lastly, I have been hitting ToAU missions hard. In fact I went from being nowhere to now I’m on the last fight of the whole series. Yup just one more fight until I can get a ring (thinking about the magic acc one to help with nukes and bind especially) and getting the glory crown. These missions are so much easier and faster to do than COP was. It’s not even close really. If it wasn’t for all the CS that made you wait until JP midnight you could do the whole thing in a day, probably not take more than 5 hours tops. The one thing I do like about them tho is they really tried to develop a story with the missions. It was pretty well written from that standpoint and a lot of the scenes are funny. I’ll post some screenshots of things down below so if you are reading this (anyone read this? Just curious) you might not want to spoil things by looking at the pictures. I’ve also just been taking lots of pictures randomly so I’m going to post a bunch of them.
After getting through with the missions next up on the agenda is to start getting my assault rank up. I’d like to have as much of ToAU stuff done as possible before the new expansion comes out in case it gets really hard to find people to do the older content with.

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