
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Paragon of PLD excellence... only took 71 levels

Much more timely on this update. Only one week apart from the last one. Go me!!

So in our last episode I was hoping to level PLD some more and to finlly get some more of my AF for it. Well I’m happy to report I was able to do just that. Got to 71 PLD about a week ago and last night had to end a party at just 800 tnl. So basically soon as I log on I’ll go grab that solo and hit 72. Also, I picked up my AF body finally thanks to Pusarah and Pbcup coming out to help with the NM’s. I still don’t have the head piece but other than needing it to store the set I’m not the interested in it. At 73 I could just get a Adaman head piece if I wanted something for a defensive build anyways.

The reason I had to leave my party with just needing 800 xp was I had to run to dynamis. This was my second run with the ls, and I think just their 4th overall, and we did dynamis bastok. Won the zone fairly easy and still had I think 35 minutes to farm after boss win. They still seem too slow on pulls for my liking but its not really my say so I just go with it. I did get to pull once when the main puller went afk so maybe they can get comfortable with me doing it some in the future and I can show them a few new things to speed things up. As a whole we got 9 AF. No PLD or RDM dropped though so I didn’t get to lot. Next up I think is going to be jeuno. Would sure be nice to get the legs for some more elemental skill.

Limbus has been going good. Been on three total runs so far all of which were easy zone wins. I have 15 coins and both pieces for my RDM AF body upgrade so I should have enough in about another week and a half. That will give me another 20 mp putting me at something like 1071 convert mp in /whm merit party set ups and 823 mp in normal /blm setups. Pretty much the only things left non HNM/GOD drop related is a hedgehog bomb for another 20 mp and another 30 mp from my last three merit upgrades. Once I get those more or less no need for MP food at all.

I think that’s about all for now. The sea LS has been kind of meh so if they don’t pick up a few more members or get something working a little better I may decide to just hold off on that stuff for now. Plus it gives me another day to do things like missions/assault/gil making that I need to catch up on anyways. Although the lure of an altruistic cape and a Justice sword is pretty damn strong and those aren’t that difficult of mobs so it bears some thinking on my end.

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