I hate being poor. Just thought I’d throw that out there. I have been dangerously low on gil for a while now and have been just getting by scraping up enough for events and food to party with. I need to fix that soon as now that my PLD is nearing its leveling end, I will need to focus on another job that will take a lot more funds.
On to my recent accomplishments. So I have been level grinding PLD a lot lately (and mostly with Pusarah and Marlow so that’s nice) and these last 6 days have been no different. I mentioned last time I was only 800 xp from 72 so of course I got that. I didn’t stop there though. I got level 73 yesterday and I’m 10k into the level. Getting ever so close to level 75.
Upon dinging 73 I knew I was in need of some equipment upgrades. First it was past time for me to get a defensive head piece. Believe it or not, I haven’t had a defensive piece for the head slot since about level 50. I haven’t needed one either but now that my PLD may be called upon to do things other than xp I need to start getting ready. Of course to do this I needed some gil since I have next to none. So very reluctantly I sold 10 of my ancient beastcoins for 120k total. I took this and bought the adaman head piece for 80k. I then sold my generals shield for 111k and am going to buy a Koenig shield for 170k leaving me with about 70k total in funds. Yikes!
That should get the basics done for PLD purchases but I still need to get a normal tanking earring and stop being lazy and go camp a Jelly ring for my second ring slot. Once those 2 are done I’m more or less done with going after PLD stuff except for Dynamis and upgrading my feet to AF+1.
So as I mentioned I sold 10 of my ancient beastcoins. This was really tough since after my run yesterday I was at 26 and needed just 4 more to get my RDM Tabard +1. It was tough but I figure I could wait one more week anyways since I’ve not been doing anything much with RDM other than Limbus and Dynamis which I don’t need the upgrade for anyways. So with the current rate of coins I should have enough by next Friday and then come the following Monday I can pick up my shiny new tabard. After that its upgrade my PLD feet for only 20 more coins , and I have half the materials for that already, then a brutal earring for 75 coins and that’s it for coin purchases I think for a long while. Actually, after I upgrade my tabard I think I’m going to end up selling half of my runs coins each time to just help fund future runs. I’m in no big hurry for the PLD feet or brutal so I can take it nice and slow and help ease the cost while I’m at it.
I have Dynamis tonight and I believe we are supposed to do jeuno. So hopefully I’ll have a bit of luck and some RDM legs will drop and I can lot them. This has been for me in the past the least dropping piece I have seen odd as that may sound. I really feel weird having my Duelist chapeau now with almost no other relic armor. I have had the hat now for almost a year and I get asked all the time by people if I am 5/5 Relic. Most people are shocked to hear I am only at 2/5. The legs will be nice for an elemental magic setup for nuking hard things so it has some uses. The gloves are still going to be blah but I would like to have them. And of course the body would be great for the fast cast. Oh yea, and then I could still use some PLD pieces too so if those drop and I can lot that would be nice. So yea still a lot of Dynamis ahead for me. Once I get in a better gil situation I may suggest or ask if the LS minded if I ran a Friday run since we only go once a week as it is now. That however is going to be a long way off on my list of things to do.
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Paragon of PLD excellence... only took 71 levels
Much more timely on this update. Only one week apart from the last one. Go me!!
So in our last episode I was hoping to level PLD some more and to finlly get some more of my AF for it. Well I’m happy to report I was able to do just that. Got to 71 PLD about a week ago and last night had to end a party at just 800 tnl. So basically soon as I log on I’ll go grab that solo and hit 72. Also, I picked up my AF body finally thanks to Pusarah and Pbcup coming out to help with the NM’s. I still don’t have the head piece but other than needing it to store the set I’m not the interested in it. At 73 I could just get a Adaman head piece if I wanted something for a defensive build anyways.
The reason I had to leave my party with just needing 800 xp was I had to run to dynamis. This was my second run with the ls, and I think just their 4th overall, and we did dynamis bastok. Won the zone fairly easy and still had I think 35 minutes to farm after boss win. They still seem too slow on pulls for my liking but its not really my say so I just go with it. I did get to pull once when the main puller went afk so maybe they can get comfortable with me doing it some in the future and I can show them a few new things to speed things up. As a whole we got 9 AF. No PLD or RDM dropped though so I didn’t get to lot. Next up I think is going to be jeuno. Would sure be nice to get the legs for some more elemental skill.
Limbus has been going good. Been on three total runs so far all of which were easy zone wins. I have 15 coins and both pieces for my RDM AF body upgrade so I should have enough in about another week and a half. That will give me another 20 mp putting me at something like 1071 convert mp in /whm merit party set ups and 823 mp in normal /blm setups. Pretty much the only things left non HNM/GOD drop related is a hedgehog bomb for another 20 mp and another 30 mp from my last three merit upgrades. Once I get those more or less no need for MP food at all.
I think that’s about all for now. The sea LS has been kind of meh so if they don’t pick up a few more members or get something working a little better I may decide to just hold off on that stuff for now. Plus it gives me another day to do things like missions/assault/gil making that I need to catch up on anyways. Although the lure of an altruistic cape and a Justice sword is pretty damn strong and those aren’t that difficult of mobs so it bears some thinking on my end.
So in our last episode I was hoping to level PLD some more and to finlly get some more of my AF for it. Well I’m happy to report I was able to do just that. Got to 71 PLD about a week ago and last night had to end a party at just 800 tnl. So basically soon as I log on I’ll go grab that solo and hit 72. Also, I picked up my AF body finally thanks to Pusarah and Pbcup coming out to help with the NM’s. I still don’t have the head piece but other than needing it to store the set I’m not the interested in it. At 73 I could just get a Adaman head piece if I wanted something for a defensive build anyways.
The reason I had to leave my party with just needing 800 xp was I had to run to dynamis. This was my second run with the ls, and I think just their 4th overall, and we did dynamis bastok. Won the zone fairly easy and still had I think 35 minutes to farm after boss win. They still seem too slow on pulls for my liking but its not really my say so I just go with it. I did get to pull once when the main puller went afk so maybe they can get comfortable with me doing it some in the future and I can show them a few new things to speed things up. As a whole we got 9 AF. No PLD or RDM dropped though so I didn’t get to lot. Next up I think is going to be jeuno. Would sure be nice to get the legs for some more elemental skill.
Limbus has been going good. Been on three total runs so far all of which were easy zone wins. I have 15 coins and both pieces for my RDM AF body upgrade so I should have enough in about another week and a half. That will give me another 20 mp putting me at something like 1071 convert mp in /whm merit party set ups and 823 mp in normal /blm setups. Pretty much the only things left non HNM/GOD drop related is a hedgehog bomb for another 20 mp and another 30 mp from my last three merit upgrades. Once I get those more or less no need for MP food at all.
I think that’s about all for now. The sea LS has been kind of meh so if they don’t pick up a few more members or get something working a little better I may decide to just hold off on that stuff for now. Plus it gives me another day to do things like missions/assault/gil making that I need to catch up on anyways. Although the lure of an altruistic cape and a Justice sword is pretty damn strong and those aren’t that difficult of mobs so it bears some thinking on my end.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
LS Overload
So I’ve been back from my unfortunate forced break for about 3 months now and ever since I’ve been looking for a new Dynamis, limbus, and general sky sea whatever shell. I got into a small sea shell a couple of weeks ago and that’s still progressing in its early stages and I’m happy with it so far. In nearly every party or mission or whatever I have been involved in I have been asking about shells and finally this Monday got some leads. SO now I have joined a new limbus shell which seems to be pretty good, and a dynamis shell that’s not full of noobs.
Went on my first run with the limbus group Monday and got 4 coins. I lotted an astounding 37 to try and get an extra coin… Run went smooth, we cruised through the zone and had tons of time left over. I’ll be going with them twice a week and using mostly RDM and switching to PLD once it’s finished up to 75 on Omega/Ultima fights. This shell has a lot of good players in it so I see it working out nicely in the future.
Dalilah was nice enough to send me an email telling me about a dynamis shell that was recruiting. I sent the leader a tell and asked in. He said yes but didn’t need any PLD’s but did need more RDM. Which is what I would prefer to go as anyways. They currently go one day a week and I had my first run with them yesterday. They did dynamis sandy and overall they did a decent job. Got the win but not all the time extensions (they were fearful of trying to go towards the nin house). They seem pretty well organized and I can see the shell working out fine. Only thing I could say I see for improvement is the speed at which they pull. The puller is waiting until everything dies before going out to get the next pull which is killing us on time. Also, they set camps waaay to far back sometimes. This is mainly a time sink they are setting themselves up with but as they get more experience and maybe a little coaxing hopefully I can offer some hints they will heed. I don’t want to act bossy or try and overstep people though so mostly I’ll remain quite about things. We got 4 AF drops and I’m secondary lotting PLD so at least now there is something I can get from Sandy since I’ve had the RDM boots for ages. I think the next run will be bastok and I know they have a lot of new members that need all the other city wins so that’s a good thing as I’ve probably done more northland runs than city anyways over the course of my dynamis career. Getting a shot at RDM hands and Legs again will be nice.
Now back to the original post heading. I now have about 5 different LS pearls I need to keep around for all the different things I do. I sure wish SE would make some kind of pearl box because my inventory space is getting horrendous.
Sea tonight, and hopefully more PLD level grinding and maybe I’ll finish up my pld AF>.> I mean I should have it since it’s actually good af for pld to tank stuff in, just not XP party tanking. I’ve only even had one party ask why I wasn’t wearing AF. It was an early morning JP party that was going < Where?>. I told them I didn’t have it to which they replied with lol’s and w but then the party started and I owned mob hate and had zero downtime as they saw how much better it is to tank with shield skill, enmity and DD builds on PLD now. When party broke I got lots of praise and what not. So really I’m dying to know why all those other plds out there are still XP tanking in AF? Most any forum you go to everyone advocates how much better it is to go as a DD tank hybrid and yet still I see the masses are just turtleing it up. Oh well. To each their own.
Went on my first run with the limbus group Monday and got 4 coins. I lotted an astounding 37 to try and get an extra coin… Run went smooth, we cruised through the zone and had tons of time left over. I’ll be going with them twice a week and using mostly RDM and switching to PLD once it’s finished up to 75 on Omega/Ultima fights. This shell has a lot of good players in it so I see it working out nicely in the future.
Dalilah was nice enough to send me an email telling me about a dynamis shell that was recruiting. I sent the leader a tell and asked in. He said yes but didn’t need any PLD’s but did need more RDM. Which is what I would prefer to go as anyways. They currently go one day a week and I had my first run with them yesterday. They did dynamis sandy and overall they did a decent job. Got the win but not all the time extensions (they were fearful of trying to go towards the nin house). They seem pretty well organized and I can see the shell working out fine. Only thing I could say I see for improvement is the speed at which they pull. The puller is waiting until everything dies before going out to get the next pull which is killing us on time. Also, they set camps waaay to far back sometimes. This is mainly a time sink they are setting themselves up with but as they get more experience and maybe a little coaxing hopefully I can offer some hints they will heed. I don’t want to act bossy or try and overstep people though so mostly I’ll remain quite about things. We got 4 AF drops and I’m secondary lotting PLD so at least now there is something I can get from Sandy since I’ve had the RDM boots for ages. I think the next run will be bastok and I know they have a lot of new members that need all the other city wins so that’s a good thing as I’ve probably done more northland runs than city anyways over the course of my dynamis career. Getting a shot at RDM hands and Legs again will be nice.
Now back to the original post heading. I now have about 5 different LS pearls I need to keep around for all the different things I do. I sure wish SE would make some kind of pearl box because my inventory space is getting horrendous.
Sea tonight, and hopefully more PLD level grinding and maybe I’ll finish up my pld AF>.> I mean I should have it since it’s actually good af for pld to tank stuff in, just not XP party tanking. I’ve only even had one party ask why I wasn’t wearing AF. It was an early morning JP party that was going
Friday, October 12, 2007
So I haven’t posted in a while again. Guess I’ll just list the basics and get things caught up.
Leveled PLD some more and now I’m level 70!! YAY! Still didn’t have but 2 pieces of AF so I asked if anyone wanted to help hunt down some coffer keys and like everyone on in the LS said yes… Not only that keys were dropping like crazy, got 2 Beadeaux keys and 2 garlaige keys in just 2 total hours including the travel time. Coffer in beadeaux popped right in front of us so I got my AF legs easy. Didn’t get a chance to use my garlaige key yet but hopefully I will soon. Also went and got the key from castle zvahl and went back later and got the key item for my AF body fight. So I should get that soon as I can find a few people to try it with me… or I get stupid and try and solo 2 mobs at once with my RDM.
I missed a couple of runs of sea due to my schedule changing over but now I’m set for every Wednesday at least. Not much dropped, fought a few things but no torques and haven’t done JOJ in a while for me to try and get the sword.
Been meriting a fair amount lately and now have ice accuracy up to level 4 bringing my total merit points spent up to 83. One more in ice acc, buy back my HQ ice staff and its time to try some stupid death risking stuff again. I think I’ll start with trying fenrir solo and then maybe leveling up blu a bit and trying to solo Chardybris as RDM/BLU. I have the needed merits and decent gear for that so who knows. Worth a shot anyways and I think it would be fun.
SAM is still on hold because I’m still broke as hell. Got down to a meager 7k the other day. YIKES! Still looking for a Dynamis and limbus shell although I do have someone I was told to talk too about joining limbus with so I may have something there.
Lastly, I have been hitting ToAU missions hard. In fact I went from being nowhere to now I’m on the last fight of the whole series. Yup just one more fight until I can get a ring (thinking about the magic acc one to help with nukes and bind especially) and getting the glory crown. These missions are so much easier and faster to do than COP was. It’s not even close really. If it wasn’t for all the CS that made you wait until JP midnight you could do the whole thing in a day, probably not take more than 5 hours tops. The one thing I do like about them tho is they really tried to develop a story with the missions. It was pretty well written from that standpoint and a lot of the scenes are funny. I’ll post some screenshots of things down below so if you are reading this (anyone read this? Just curious) you might not want to spoil things by looking at the pictures. I’ve also just been taking lots of pictures randomly so I’m going to post a bunch of them.
After getting through with the missions next up on the agenda is to start getting my assault rank up. I’d like to have as much of ToAU stuff done as possible before the new expansion comes out in case it gets really hard to find people to do the older content with.

Leveled PLD some more and now I’m level 70!! YAY! Still didn’t have but 2 pieces of AF so I asked if anyone wanted to help hunt down some coffer keys and like everyone on in the LS said yes… Not only that keys were dropping like crazy, got 2 Beadeaux keys and 2 garlaige keys in just 2 total hours including the travel time. Coffer in beadeaux popped right in front of us so I got my AF legs easy. Didn’t get a chance to use my garlaige key yet but hopefully I will soon. Also went and got the key from castle zvahl and went back later and got the key item for my AF body fight. So I should get that soon as I can find a few people to try it with me… or I get stupid and try and solo 2 mobs at once with my RDM.
I missed a couple of runs of sea due to my schedule changing over but now I’m set for every Wednesday at least. Not much dropped, fought a few things but no torques and haven’t done JOJ in a while for me to try and get the sword.
Been meriting a fair amount lately and now have ice accuracy up to level 4 bringing my total merit points spent up to 83. One more in ice acc, buy back my HQ ice staff and its time to try some stupid death risking stuff again. I think I’ll start with trying fenrir solo and then maybe leveling up blu a bit and trying to solo Chardybris as RDM/BLU. I have the needed merits and decent gear for that so who knows. Worth a shot anyways and I think it would be fun.
SAM is still on hold because I’m still broke as hell. Got down to a meager 7k the other day. YIKES! Still looking for a Dynamis and limbus shell although I do have someone I was told to talk too about joining limbus with so I may have something there.
Lastly, I have been hitting ToAU missions hard. In fact I went from being nowhere to now I’m on the last fight of the whole series. Yup just one more fight until I can get a ring (thinking about the magic acc one to help with nukes and bind especially) and getting the glory crown. These missions are so much easier and faster to do than COP was. It’s not even close really. If it wasn’t for all the CS that made you wait until JP midnight you could do the whole thing in a day, probably not take more than 5 hours tops. The one thing I do like about them tho is they really tried to develop a story with the missions. It was pretty well written from that standpoint and a lot of the scenes are funny. I’ll post some screenshots of things down below so if you are reading this (anyone read this? Just curious) you might not want to spoil things by looking at the pictures. I’ve also just been taking lots of pictures randomly so I’m going to post a bunch of them.
After getting through with the missions next up on the agenda is to start getting my assault rank up. I’d like to have as much of ToAU stuff done as possible before the new expansion comes out in case it gets really hard to find people to do the older content with.

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