The title pretty much says it all. After having the expansion for nearly 2 years and finally getting into an LS that’s helpful and was as committed to doing COP as I was I have finally gotten my Ring. Start to finish this probably took about 4 months I want to say. That’s of course a long time but we generally just got together once a week and did one mission in that week.
It was truly an amazing journey to reach the end of COP (not counting the bahmut fight of course). A static of 8 people, mostly always 8 lost darknessfalls but picked up Hemdel, which was dedicated and never left anyone behind even though it meant we had to do all the BC style fights twice is a true accomplishment of team work. To the members of my LS Spirit Link and most especially those in the static you have my sincere thanks. Congratulations to Janaka, Hemdel, Keeva, Pusarah, Zeitsev, Lyeia, and Marlow on your rings as well. A special thanks to Marlow who doggedly worked on keeping us on track and being the early leader in getting us through the missions.
The fight against promathia was just fantastic. I truly like how SE scaled the difficulty of this fight. It is no where near the toughest fight in COP. The airship battle, Ozuru, and even the 5-3 fights are tougher. The thing that makes it so special is that the battle field is amazing; the NPC’s that are there are actually good unlike other times, and it still takes a bit of skill to pull it off. The relaxed atmosphere of this fight lets you just really enjoy the moment. In the run I went on I think we had 0 deaths and the next run I think Keeva got an unfortunate silencga cast on the party(if you have never done this the silence can not be removed at all) right after he went down to like 400 hp. So only one death there. No real danger of losing the fight either time.
Now that our Sundays are freed up from missions I think we may seriously take a look at doing SKY as a social LS. Also, it’s going to give me a lot more time to level up so I am hoping to finish up PLD and then get started on the job I have wanted to do almost since I started playing the game. That is samurai. Rajas ring for one makes me really want to level the job as well as the fact that it gets to do a lot of WS, something I do rarely as RDM and not much still as PLD due to resting and just slower TP gain in general. If I come into enough gil to really fund the job like I want I may even put PLD on hold.
Sam is unfortunately expensive if you want to have the good gear. Which is exactly how I want to play it. I already have a job to 75 and a good LS and what not so there is no rush in how fast I take it. The expenses come early and often with things like Acc rings, O Kotes, and Jujitsu-Gi all coming by level 40. That’s going to set me back about 1.7 mil at the current prices. So before I start I’ll probably save up the gil for those purchases although I may go ahead and level to 35 in the slow LFP times on PLD. I am definitely going to be doing as much KSNM, BCNM, and ENM as possible to get started as soon as I can. Not to mention I need to level RNG as a sub which is going to cost some gil as well. Lots to do but oh well.
Dynamis LS did Bastok Saturday and was easy as always. We got I believe 13 af and of course 0 RDM again. Didn’t really care about the piece anyways and didn’t have it as main lot. Yesterday we went and did Glacier and I was main lotting RDM. Had the most points for it so if it dropped it was mine… so you know it didn’t drop. We did 4 attestation mobs and on all 4 we did not get the one we wanted. We now have 4 people on stage 3 of relic in the LS so I imagine we will continue doing these the next several runs until they all have them. Easy enough to kill and it didn’t hurt farming time as much as I would have thought. Next up is another Xarca run but I think we are just going to farm this time. Hope we do glacier again soon so I can get the tabard. Updated drop chart below.

Another limbus run granted me another 5 coins bringing me up to 40 now. Slow going but at least it is going.
Almost forget to mention I xped on PLD some more and got about 3k into 53. So 2 more levels down. Hoping to get some good parties this weekend and push it to 55 or 56 and stop to finish up the rest of the AF.
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Thanks for writing this.
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