On Saturday we did Dynamis Xarcabard again. Got the win again so DL is now just something we are going to farm at the start of each month. Still no shadow drop. We got I think 2 AF and of course the guaranteed 100 piece from Dl himself. Up next is Dynamis Bastok so I’m going to try and free lot some AF hands but with all the new people we have I am sure there will be a lot of RDM main lotting them. Oh well, no way I am spending points on this, it’s free lot or not at all.
Went to Limbus afterwards and got a really late start as someone jumped the zone on us. Oh well I got another 5 coins bringing my total up to 35, slowly but surely getting closer to another 30 mp and a bit of fastcast.
Oh speaking of MP I merited it a bit more and now have a convert total of 1019 mp while /whm (as in merit parties) and 1038 while /blm. Going to wait on getting the last 3 mp upgrades and switch to RDM specific again. I think I want to get slow II first and then work on my convert timer some.

Forgot to mention but between Dynamis ending and the start of Limbus me Keeva, Zeit, and Pusarah went and killed the NM for evisceration. Had the trial dagger for a few months now and finally got the latent done late Friday. Very nice WS and I was very pleased with it. Got one to land for 800+ and I didn’t even have any food up.

I got my af feet for PLD and went and xped for a bit. Still at 51 as the party was just full of crap players. We had no refresh and a thf that just plain sucked. Whm was doing as best he could without refresh as was I. Still got a few chain 5’s and am only a couple k away from 52 and putting on the boots. I am going to look to xp this more in the very near future. Dalilah was in this party as BLM and I felt bad for having her come join. Just didn’t know these guys would suck so hard and the fact they tried to start us out in kuftal tunnel with an all level 51 party. The melee couldn’t hit them at all and both I and the whm had zero mp left after each fight. So we wasted nearly an hour there before I got them to switch camps. It’s amazing no one died. Oh well, win some lose some.
Saturday my cop group finally got together again to finish up 8-2 and 8-3. Those missions are way to long. After about 5 hours we still hadn’t completely finish all the dumb walking around and getting key items. We finished 8-2 and got more than halfway through 8-3 before we had to call a halt. We are going to finish that up on this coming Sunday and hopefully 8-4 as well to be done with it all.
Having a very hard time deciding what ring to get. My MP levels are already starting to get high making the mp from Tamas looks less appealing. Not to mention the stats can be bought and are only slightly better than my cheap +4 rings. Rajas of course is a great melee ring but getting a one time only choice ring for the limited melee I do as RDM seems silly. PLD also wouldn’t get much use for me as I don’t plan on really tweaking it that much from a DD perspective. I will though level Sam up eventually so I can definitely see getting some use here. It‘s just odd getting something for what I consider a lower tiered job for me.
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