I had the chance to play some Wednesday so thought I would make a short update. I wanted to level PLD some more but unfortunately after 3 hours of seeking I did not get an invite. Figures I get a chance to play and nothing happens on the xp front.
I did however get the opportunity to go on the midweek Limbus run. It was well worth it too. Went in with 7 people and scored a total of 66 coins as a group. We killed all but 2 mobs in the entire zone, one greater bird and the magic damage only giant. We skipped the bird just to make sure we had enough time to kill the last floor “bosses” (had ten minutes to spare after killing so in hind sight we could have downed the bird) and skipped the giant since the only form of magic damage we had was from 2 rdms and that would have taken a ton of time. Didn’t need to kill them either since the vortex had already opened up.
So all said and done we each got 9 coins. That brings me up to 49 out of the 75 I need now. It was definitely a worthwhile trip to Limbus and not a waste of the day at all after my horrendous lfp start.
If I don’t get a party on PLD in the first hour or so of seeking tonight I think ill either start leveling SAM up to at least Qufim levels or maybe go ahead and finish up my NIN sub. It’s been at 29 for a long time so might as well finish it up soon and be done with it. Not to mention I could use my rajas ring on it since it’s low levels anyways and would let me have a bit of fun with the job. I also need to unlock RNG soon and get it started to 37. Lots to do yet for me.
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The title pretty much says it all. After having the expansion for nearly 2 years and finally getting into an LS that’s helpful and was as committed to doing COP as I was I have finally gotten my Ring. Start to finish this probably took about 4 months I want to say. That’s of course a long time but we generally just got together once a week and did one mission in that week.
It was truly an amazing journey to reach the end of COP (not counting the bahmut fight of course). A static of 8 people, mostly always 8 lost darknessfalls but picked up Hemdel, which was dedicated and never left anyone behind even though it meant we had to do all the BC style fights twice is a true accomplishment of team work. To the members of my LS Spirit Link and most especially those in the static you have my sincere thanks. Congratulations to Janaka, Hemdel, Keeva, Pusarah, Zeitsev, Lyeia, and Marlow on your rings as well. A special thanks to Marlow who doggedly worked on keeping us on track and being the early leader in getting us through the missions.
The fight against promathia was just fantastic. I truly like how SE scaled the difficulty of this fight. It is no where near the toughest fight in COP. The airship battle, Ozuru, and even the 5-3 fights are tougher. The thing that makes it so special is that the battle field is amazing; the NPC’s that are there are actually good unlike other times, and it still takes a bit of skill to pull it off. The relaxed atmosphere of this fight lets you just really enjoy the moment. In the run I went on I think we had 0 deaths and the next run I think Keeva got an unfortunate silencga cast on the party(if you have never done this the silence can not be removed at all) right after he went down to like 400 hp. So only one death there. No real danger of losing the fight either time.
Now that our Sundays are freed up from missions I think we may seriously take a look at doing SKY as a social LS. Also, it’s going to give me a lot more time to level up so I am hoping to finish up PLD and then get started on the job I have wanted to do almost since I started playing the game. That is samurai. Rajas ring for one makes me really want to level the job as well as the fact that it gets to do a lot of WS, something I do rarely as RDM and not much still as PLD due to resting and just slower TP gain in general. If I come into enough gil to really fund the job like I want I may even put PLD on hold.
Sam is unfortunately expensive if you want to have the good gear. Which is exactly how I want to play it. I already have a job to 75 and a good LS and what not so there is no rush in how fast I take it. The expenses come early and often with things like Acc rings, O Kotes, and Jujitsu-Gi all coming by level 40. That’s going to set me back about 1.7 mil at the current prices. So before I start I’ll probably save up the gil for those purchases although I may go ahead and level to 35 in the slow LFP times on PLD. I am definitely going to be doing as much KSNM, BCNM, and ENM as possible to get started as soon as I can. Not to mention I need to level RNG as a sub which is going to cost some gil as well. Lots to do but oh well.
Dynamis LS did Bastok Saturday and was easy as always. We got I believe 13 af and of course 0 RDM again. Didn’t really care about the piece anyways and didn’t have it as main lot. Yesterday we went and did Glacier and I was main lotting RDM. Had the most points for it so if it dropped it was mine… so you know it didn’t drop. We did 4 attestation mobs and on all 4 we did not get the one we wanted. We now have 4 people on stage 3 of relic in the LS so I imagine we will continue doing these the next several runs until they all have them. Easy enough to kill and it didn’t hurt farming time as much as I would have thought. Next up is another Xarca run but I think we are just going to farm this time. Hope we do glacier again soon so I can get the tabard. Updated drop chart below.

Another limbus run granted me another 5 coins bringing me up to 40 now. Slow going but at least it is going.
Almost forget to mention I xped on PLD some more and got about 3k into 53. So 2 more levels down. Hoping to get some good parties this weekend and push it to 55 or 56 and stop to finish up the rest of the AF.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Long Missions, MP, and DL
So a few things to report. Did Dynamis Windy on Saturday morning. Several of us got there about 30 minutes late and from what I gathered it wasn’t going to well… But once the rest of us made it in it was the same old stuff. No RDM drops here so I was just lotting lolitem’s but we did get a total of 6 AF to drop and both Zeit and Pusarah got a piece so I was glade to see that.
On Saturday we did Dynamis Xarcabard again. Got the win again so DL is now just something we are going to farm at the start of each month. Still no shadow drop. We got I think 2 AF and of course the guaranteed 100 piece from Dl himself. Up next is Dynamis Bastok so I’m going to try and free lot some AF hands but with all the new people we have I am sure there will be a lot of RDM main lotting them. Oh well, no way I am spending points on this, it’s free lot or not at all.
Went to Limbus afterwards and got a really late start as someone jumped the zone on us. Oh well I got another 5 coins bringing my total up to 35, slowly but surely getting closer to another 30 mp and a bit of fastcast.
Oh speaking of MP I merited it a bit more and now have a convert total of 1019 mp while /whm (as in merit parties) and 1038 while /blm. Going to wait on getting the last 3 mp upgrades and switch to RDM specific again. I think I want to get slow II first and then work on my convert timer some.
Forgot to mention but between Dynamis ending and the start of Limbus me Keeva, Zeit, and Pusarah went and killed the NM for evisceration. Had the trial dagger for a few months now and finally got the latent done late Friday. Very nice WS and I was very pleased with it. Got one to land for 800+ and I didn’t even have any food up.
I got my af feet for PLD and went and xped for a bit. Still at 51 as the party was just full of crap players. We had no refresh and a thf that just plain sucked. Whm was doing as best he could without refresh as was I. Still got a few chain 5’s and am only a couple k away from 52 and putting on the boots. I am going to look to xp this more in the very near future. Dalilah was in this party as BLM and I felt bad for having her come join. Just didn’t know these guys would suck so hard and the fact they tried to start us out in kuftal tunnel with an all level 51 party. The melee couldn’t hit them at all and both I and the whm had zero mp left after each fight. So we wasted nearly an hour there before I got them to switch camps. It’s amazing no one died. Oh well, win some lose some.
Saturday my cop group finally got together again to finish up 8-2 and 8-3. Those missions are way to long. After about 5 hours we still hadn’t completely finish all the dumb walking around and getting key items. We finished 8-2 and got more than halfway through 8-3 before we had to call a halt. We are going to finish that up on this coming Sunday and hopefully 8-4 as well to be done with it all.
Having a very hard time deciding what ring to get. My MP levels are already starting to get high making the mp from Tamas looks less appealing. Not to mention the stats can be bought and are only slightly better than my cheap +4 rings. Rajas of course is a great melee ring but getting a one time only choice ring for the limited melee I do as RDM seems silly. PLD also wouldn’t get much use for me as I don’t plan on really tweaking it that much from a DD perspective. I will though level Sam up eventually so I can definitely see getting some use here. It‘s just odd getting something for what I consider a lower tiered job for me.
On Saturday we did Dynamis Xarcabard again. Got the win again so DL is now just something we are going to farm at the start of each month. Still no shadow drop. We got I think 2 AF and of course the guaranteed 100 piece from Dl himself. Up next is Dynamis Bastok so I’m going to try and free lot some AF hands but with all the new people we have I am sure there will be a lot of RDM main lotting them. Oh well, no way I am spending points on this, it’s free lot or not at all.
Went to Limbus afterwards and got a really late start as someone jumped the zone on us. Oh well I got another 5 coins bringing my total up to 35, slowly but surely getting closer to another 30 mp and a bit of fastcast.
Oh speaking of MP I merited it a bit more and now have a convert total of 1019 mp while /whm (as in merit parties) and 1038 while /blm. Going to wait on getting the last 3 mp upgrades and switch to RDM specific again. I think I want to get slow II first and then work on my convert timer some.

Forgot to mention but between Dynamis ending and the start of Limbus me Keeva, Zeit, and Pusarah went and killed the NM for evisceration. Had the trial dagger for a few months now and finally got the latent done late Friday. Very nice WS and I was very pleased with it. Got one to land for 800+ and I didn’t even have any food up.

I got my af feet for PLD and went and xped for a bit. Still at 51 as the party was just full of crap players. We had no refresh and a thf that just plain sucked. Whm was doing as best he could without refresh as was I. Still got a few chain 5’s and am only a couple k away from 52 and putting on the boots. I am going to look to xp this more in the very near future. Dalilah was in this party as BLM and I felt bad for having her come join. Just didn’t know these guys would suck so hard and the fact they tried to start us out in kuftal tunnel with an all level 51 party. The melee couldn’t hit them at all and both I and the whm had zero mp left after each fight. So we wasted nearly an hour there before I got them to switch camps. It’s amazing no one died. Oh well, win some lose some.
Saturday my cop group finally got together again to finish up 8-2 and 8-3. Those missions are way to long. After about 5 hours we still hadn’t completely finish all the dumb walking around and getting key items. We finished 8-2 and got more than halfway through 8-3 before we had to call a halt. We are going to finish that up on this coming Sunday and hopefully 8-4 as well to be done with it all.
Having a very hard time deciding what ring to get. My MP levels are already starting to get high making the mp from Tamas looks less appealing. Not to mention the stats can be bought and are only slightly better than my cheap +4 rings. Rajas of course is a great melee ring but getting a one time only choice ring for the limited melee I do as RDM seems silly. PLD also wouldn’t get much use for me as I don’t plan on really tweaking it that much from a DD perspective. I will though level Sam up eventually so I can definitely see getting some use here. It‘s just odd getting something for what I consider a lower tiered job for me.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Approaching 1k
Just a quick Update. Ended up going to Dynamis Sandy on Tuesday. Was really hopeing I could get my schedulw switched around for just a few weeks making me miss Tuesday dynamis runs but able to attend the Wednesday Limbus rums. Oh well.
Sandy was well… sandy. Easy as hell zone anymore. I get so bored there sometimes. I really should level up my PLD so I can at least start hoping for free lot crap otherwise I just go to get points for my RDM Tabard. I stayed just long enough to qualify for 9 out of 10 points and then left to get some sleep. AF drops seemed to be a bit on the slow side but I’ll check later with the LS site to be sure.
Last night I couldn’t sleep much so decided what the hell I’ll go ahead and log in for a bit. So I log back on still in Sandy and decided I might as well at least start my PLD feet af quest. I’ll probably finish it up sometime Sunday and then the following weekend level up PLD up to maybe 54.
I also went out and merited for just a bit last night. Got another 2 merits bringing my reserve up to 4 and a mere 8k limit points away from getting another MP upgrade. So hopefully after I log in tonight I can get a quick few limit points and boost my total convert MP up to 1k with food. It’s a nice round number and a minor milestone I have been reaching for.
Speaking of convert ratio’s in the party last night was a Taru RDM. So yes we had a 2xRDM set up. A lot of RDM’s don’t like these but I guess it’s because they have trouble letting go of some of there typical duties. For me I just split p the hasting as iwould if a WHM was in party and take half the enfeebles. Most RDM’s seem to cast enfeeble’s in a pattern anyways so after the first mob is pulled you can see what they cast first and then just pickup stuff from there.
For instance this RDM liked to start off with Sow and Gravity. So I then decide to just start with para and Dia II and so still had things to do. As a note we partied at nyzul Isle so we had a greater opportunity to enfeeble with the bugards being pulled then say a super fast mire kill party. As a bonus in a double RDM party you get a lot more chances to nuke. I threw out at least one Tier III for every Buggard pull and depending on my convert timer, hate level, and mp level even casted a second from time to time. Very nice change of pace and xp was still rolling in at a high rate. It was considerably helpful of course to have only 1 other party there so no pulling competition’s going on. I’d say we pulled in a rather easy paced 12k an hour. If we had been going for any records or what not it would have been much higher but it was going so easy and laid back no need to push it.
Oh wait I was talking about convert ratio’s. So any ways this taru had a nice balanced ratio of 957/938. I was bit surprised however that it was so low. I wonder if many taru’s have a lower ratio than myself simply because of the limitations placed on their HP and cost at which it takes to raise HP levels. Not basing this on just one Taru as I have seen several with 850-950 ish total mp. Also his starting mp was about 910 so he didn’t gain a lot from his convert gear. I never check people but I know he must at least have some mp merits or be constantly wearing his +mp accessories to be standing at 900+. So while he started off with a higher base, 910 vs. my 790, I had a higher convert max, 938 vs. 990. In addition since I have a duelist Chapeau I gained 200 more mp per convert cycle over him so in reality I had the far greater mp pool to work with. Just interesting to see the benefits of my hard work paying off. He was a good RDM by the way not bashing him at all.
Sandy was well… sandy. Easy as hell zone anymore. I get so bored there sometimes. I really should level up my PLD so I can at least start hoping for free lot crap otherwise I just go to get points for my RDM Tabard. I stayed just long enough to qualify for 9 out of 10 points and then left to get some sleep. AF drops seemed to be a bit on the slow side but I’ll check later with the LS site to be sure.
Last night I couldn’t sleep much so decided what the hell I’ll go ahead and log in for a bit. So I log back on still in Sandy and decided I might as well at least start my PLD feet af quest. I’ll probably finish it up sometime Sunday and then the following weekend level up PLD up to maybe 54.
I also went out and merited for just a bit last night. Got another 2 merits bringing my reserve up to 4 and a mere 8k limit points away from getting another MP upgrade. So hopefully after I log in tonight I can get a quick few limit points and boost my total convert MP up to 1k with food. It’s a nice round number and a minor milestone I have been reaching for.
Speaking of convert ratio’s in the party last night was a Taru RDM. So yes we had a 2xRDM set up. A lot of RDM’s don’t like these but I guess it’s because they have trouble letting go of some of there typical duties. For me I just split p the hasting as iwould if a WHM was in party and take half the enfeebles. Most RDM’s seem to cast enfeeble’s in a pattern anyways so after the first mob is pulled you can see what they cast first and then just pickup stuff from there.
For instance this RDM liked to start off with Sow and Gravity. So I then decide to just start with para and Dia II and so still had things to do. As a note we partied at nyzul Isle so we had a greater opportunity to enfeeble with the bugards being pulled then say a super fast mire kill party. As a bonus in a double RDM party you get a lot more chances to nuke. I threw out at least one Tier III for every Buggard pull and depending on my convert timer, hate level, and mp level even casted a second from time to time. Very nice change of pace and xp was still rolling in at a high rate. It was considerably helpful of course to have only 1 other party there so no pulling competition’s going on. I’d say we pulled in a rather easy paced 12k an hour. If we had been going for any records or what not it would have been much higher but it was going so easy and laid back no need to push it.
Oh wait I was talking about convert ratio’s. So any ways this taru had a nice balanced ratio of 957/938. I was bit surprised however that it was so low. I wonder if many taru’s have a lower ratio than myself simply because of the limitations placed on their HP and cost at which it takes to raise HP levels. Not basing this on just one Taru as I have seen several with 850-950 ish total mp. Also his starting mp was about 910 so he didn’t gain a lot from his convert gear. I never check people but I know he must at least have some mp merits or be constantly wearing his +mp accessories to be standing at 900+. So while he started off with a higher base, 910 vs. my 790, I had a higher convert max, 938 vs. 990. In addition since I have a duelist Chapeau I gained 200 more mp per convert cycle over him so in reality I had the far greater mp pool to work with. Just interesting to see the benefits of my hard work paying off. He was a good RDM by the way not bashing him at all.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
I can't Lot
Not much new to report about Did another Dynamis Xarcabard and that was pretty boring really. Doing the same zone three times in a row is enough to make me want to stop going but i went anyways staying until we had killed the NM's and then just left early. More than a few people didn't even bother to show since i am sure they were sick of the zone too. We got i think 4 af drops which seems to be about our average for Xarcabard but none of the really good ones this time.
Saturday we went and did Dynamis Jeuno for a change and it was a place i get to lot again. It had been over a year since any RDM legs had dropped for us so I was surprised when they finally did this time. COurse only 2 people had lotting rights with me being one of them and I returned to my old self and lotted 200 something to loose out. Oh well its all a matter of time until I get them. WE farmed a bit different this time with the orer of how we killed things and it made a drastic difference in our performance level. Far fewer mistakes and lots more mobs killed meant a lot more AF. We got 13 AF in total and an astounding 4 BLM drops plus of course we still got the win as always. I updated our drops chart and instead of typing it up i just copy pasted it out of excel into lolmspaint to get a picture.
What a shock, RDM still bringing up the rear. But at least we are getting more lately it seems. Also for whatever reason our LS seems to be anti Body drops. It is by far the lowest dropping AF accross the board and over the last 7 months, the time period the chart covers, of the 6 AF we have not seen drop 5 are Body pieces.
Onto Limbus. Gathered as normal and were headed to do Appolyon NE again when another group managed to get there about a minute before we did and take the zone. So the only other zone we could access there was Apployon SE and we decided what the hell lets give it a shot. We had never done the zone and was scrambling to get info as we was going through but all in all not a bad blind run. I even managed to dust off my dagger and melee on one floor where all mobs are weak to piercing damage to help speed things along. WE barley made it to the ghost floor and walked away with just 4 coins each but in the future I think we could clear this one with ease.
Sunday was more time to merit. Got another 5 merit points and bumbed MP up another level as well as having 2 more merits ready for the next one. SO mp is now at 4/8. I think i'll bump it one more time and then move on to something cheaper to upgrade for the time being. In addition 1 more mp upgrade will give me a nice 1k MP total on converts now.
I also went out and helped Helio get his G3 done. Not too hard to do and I always like helping people out. Not to mention he is a RDM so got to help out my Fellow mage class.
Saturday we went and did Dynamis Jeuno for a change and it was a place i get to lot again. It had been over a year since any RDM legs had dropped for us so I was surprised when they finally did this time. COurse only 2 people had lotting rights with me being one of them and I returned to my old self and lotted 200 something to loose out. Oh well its all a matter of time until I get them. WE farmed a bit different this time with the orer of how we killed things and it made a drastic difference in our performance level. Far fewer mistakes and lots more mobs killed meant a lot more AF. We got 13 AF in total and an astounding 4 BLM drops plus of course we still got the win as always. I updated our drops chart and instead of typing it up i just copy pasted it out of excel into lolmspaint to get a picture.

What a shock, RDM still bringing up the rear. But at least we are getting more lately it seems. Also for whatever reason our LS seems to be anti Body drops. It is by far the lowest dropping AF accross the board and over the last 7 months, the time period the chart covers, of the 6 AF we have not seen drop 5 are Body pieces.
Onto Limbus. Gathered as normal and were headed to do Appolyon NE again when another group managed to get there about a minute before we did and take the zone. So the only other zone we could access there was Apployon SE and we decided what the hell lets give it a shot. We had never done the zone and was scrambling to get info as we was going through but all in all not a bad blind run. I even managed to dust off my dagger and melee on one floor where all mobs are weak to piercing damage to help speed things along. WE barley made it to the ghost floor and walked away with just 4 coins each but in the future I think we could clear this one with ease.
Sunday was more time to merit. Got another 5 merit points and bumbed MP up another level as well as having 2 more merits ready for the next one. SO mp is now at 4/8. I think i'll bump it one more time and then move on to something cheaper to upgrade for the time being. In addition 1 more mp upgrade will give me a nice 1k MP total on converts now.
I also went out and helped Helio get his G3 done. Not too hard to do and I always like helping people out. Not to mention he is a RDM so got to help out my Fellow mage class.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Very quick post. A Little while back the PLD job got a few major boosts in the form of upgrades to some of their job abilities. One of these was sentinel which now gives a phalanx type effect of damage reduction.
Some PLD's have gone out and tested it and have found it to be a 90% damage reduction when it first goes up. A few people have claimed to test it while setting pld as a sub job but i could never seem to find a screen shot verifying the reduction or see a consensus among those claiming to have tested it. So of course i went and tested it myself. Results you can see below.
Easy to see that even subbed you get the full 90% damage reduction with this ability. Nice new trick to throw in my bag for something down the road I am sure.
Some PLD's have gone out and tested it and have found it to be a 90% damage reduction when it first goes up. A few people have claimed to test it while setting pld as a sub job but i could never seem to find a screen shot verifying the reduction or see a consensus among those claiming to have tested it. So of course i went and tested it myself. Results you can see below.

Easy to see that even subbed you get the full 90% damage reduction with this ability. Nice new trick to throw in my bag for something down the road I am sure.
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