
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week ending 8/23/2009

Monday - Free day. Did lots of random stuff.

Tuesday - Did Dyna Jueno with a new ls I plan on sticking with. I've been kind of going to random Dyna LS here and there but most the times didn't work or they were just too new and had too much to learn. This new one runs at good times for me and they have some decent vets so I plan on hanging with them for a while. Afterwards did 2 Grations and about 7 swift belt pops. Grats to those who won.

Wednesday - Limbus up first. Did an appolyon. Easy win and puts us 1 chip away from an omega. Salvage followed and we did SSR. 1st floor NM finally dropped for us but once again my legs from second floor was a no show.

Thursday - Was suppose to finish up more swift belts but my power went out for like 3 hours. Think they managed to get another 7 done. Did get logged back in for the ENM. Nothing good dropped and the day felt like a waste to me...

Friday - Salvage was called off again because kings time had rolled around so half the guys couldn't go. Spent more time leveling instead.

Other - So been working on drg and last week my goal was to try and hit 37. Well I thought that might be a bit of a stretch with all the things I had going on and by Friday I was just 35. But with salvage called off and nothing to do I went after xp pretty hard. Hit 41 that night. Logged in for a short time on Saturday and got to 42 and did my AF weapon. So this week I'm setting my goal to hit 50. That's once again a bit of a stretch but I think I can get at least 1 level a day(M-F) so 47 should be easy. Get a few decent parties and 50 is possible.

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