
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Week Ending 8-30-2009

Monday - Einherjar with just 18 people. Got to boss but just ran out of time onhim. If we had about 2 more melee we could have won this run I think.

Tuesday - Sea day. Did a Ix MNK and got a cape drop. All the main lotters were out so it went free lot. And what do you know I got a good lot in and now have a merciful cape. We also went and tried to pop Ix Drg but after 2.5 hours and him not showing we called it a night. Also did Dyna bastok. Wanted some blm pants but others with more points had it set to main lot. Not to mention it didn't drop anyways...

Wednesday - Didn't log in b/c of RL.

Thursday - Was suppose to do Soboro Ohat and R. Pumps but was like noone logged in at the time. Did ENM runs later and got crap drops.

Friday - Dyna up first. Did bastok again but this time only 12 of us showed. Still though it went rather smooth and i think its easier in some aspects with less people. 18 would have been better but 12 was OK. BLM pants dropped and this time i was only one on them. So yay for me more nuke power on ice/thunder days. Can hit around 2200 on puddings if fully buffed and burn is on with some AM2. But thats just messing around anyways.

Other - All about drg in the free time. Goal was to hit 50 and I got to 54. Had to start doing AF and got the legs done which is a good solo piece for healing breath. Got coffer done for gloves just need dark spark fight. Also got coffer key for feet just need to go back and open now. This week i'm planning to hit 60 which is only 6 levels but the xp of course is pretty high for level. Also would like to finish up the AF which will take away a good chunk of my xp time.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week ending 8/23/2009

Monday - Free day. Did lots of random stuff.

Tuesday - Did Dyna Jueno with a new ls I plan on sticking with. I've been kind of going to random Dyna LS here and there but most the times didn't work or they were just too new and had too much to learn. This new one runs at good times for me and they have some decent vets so I plan on hanging with them for a while. Afterwards did 2 Grations and about 7 swift belt pops. Grats to those who won.

Wednesday - Limbus up first. Did an appolyon. Easy win and puts us 1 chip away from an omega. Salvage followed and we did SSR. 1st floor NM finally dropped for us but once again my legs from second floor was a no show.

Thursday - Was suppose to finish up more swift belts but my power went out for like 3 hours. Think they managed to get another 7 done. Did get logged back in for the ENM. Nothing good dropped and the day felt like a waste to me...

Friday - Salvage was called off again because kings time had rolled around so half the guys couldn't go. Spent more time leveling instead.

Other - So been working on drg and last week my goal was to try and hit 37. Well I thought that might be a bit of a stretch with all the things I had going on and by Friday I was just 35. But with salvage called off and nothing to do I went after xp pretty hard. Hit 41 that night. Logged in for a short time on Saturday and got to 42 and did my AF weapon. So this week I'm setting my goal to hit 50. That's once again a bit of a stretch but I think I can get at least 1 level a day(M-F) so 47 should be easy. Get a few decent parties and 50 is possible.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fields of Valor and how low level Jobs are made easy

You know us FFXI players are quick to complain when SE does something wrong or just doesn't address the issues we have. You can go to any message board and it won't take you a minute to find someone complaining about job x still not receiving an update, the latest expansion failing to deliver, ground kings being botted, or any of a numerous amount of recurring problems we have. However, right now I'd like to talk about one thing SE seems to have gotten almost perfect, even if it did come years late.

Fields of Valor. Yup I love this and anyone who has used it for any amount of time I'm sure will agree. When it first came out I'll admit I didn't think much of it. It was something mostly for lower levels and I really only used in when farming despot up in sky to get a little bonus xp. But one day I was bored and decided to level up a new job.

WOW. Not sure what else to say because leveling low level jobs is night and day different from how it used to be. They absolutely fly by now and its not just because you get a little bonus xp once an hour. The 1 per tic refresh and regen are just phenomenal. 1-20 I pretty much just used regen and laid waste to EP and dc mobs. The added xp you now get from ep to dc is also a huge boon but the regen meant zero downtime. That's something that generally didn't start to happen until around the 40's when you could have RDM and BRD's for refresh to keep the mages going.

Levels 10 -20 now are probably the most dramatic difference. Used to be you would want to pull your hair out waiting for hours on end to get a party invite and take you away from some god awful and slow solo xp. You'd get a party and, well, it was the dunes it sucked 9 out of 10 times. Now you can solo it in a matter of a few hours. If the low levels had been this way all along, FFXI would probably have been a much bigger success than it is with many more players sticking around.

Found a suggested path to take for those wanting to do FOV to level their jobs up solo.

15-20 Crag zone
20-30 Dunes
30-39 Qufim
39-44 East Altepa Spiders at Korrolka zoneline
44-49 Yuhtunga Jungle Outpost 10x Monkeys
49-53 West Altepa Spiders+Ants at Rabao zoneline
53-63 East Altepa Outpost Gobs+Manticore
63-66 West Altepa Beetles+Cactaur at Rev. Rock

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week ending 8-16-2009

SO last week things started getting back to Normal.

Monday - Einherjar was the same as its been for a while. Lowish turnout with around 24 showing. These would be so easy to do if people would just show up!. Frustrated but that's just how it is.

Tuesday - Did some ZNM's. Completed a Tier4 set and knocked out some more T1's an 2's. Probably going to get at least one more T4 set before we pop it. I did manage to snag me a muse shield with 7 mnd on it. Been wanting one of these for a mnd set up as with it I can get close to +70 mnd in around 314 skill set I have for Para2 and Slow2.

Wednesday - First up was Limbus. Did one appolyon and one temenos. Easy wins and not much to speak of. Was hoping I could get an upgrade item for either BLM or DRK but oh well. Salvage was that night and did some BR ramparts. No NM pops once again so got nada.

Thursday - Sky day. Did 3 Genbu, 1 Suzy, 2 BB, 2 Water, and 1 SC. Not bad. Got just crap drops off of the gods though. I managed to walk away with some free lotted w feet. One day I'll uncurse for a fire resist build I suppose.

Friday - Events got cancelled so just spent it doing random crap.

Other - Mainly just leveling DRG now in my down time between events. Its sitting at 28 now and I should hit 37 I hope this week given enough time to level it. Low level xp is now way better than it used to be with the advent of FOV and taking advantage of the buffs you can get from it. DRG/MAGE at low levels with refresh is just about unkillable fighting anything up to T. Fast kills to and bonus xp from FOV and the levels seem to fly by.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back to updating

Haven't been able to write an update in a while because of some real life issues. That's behind me now so time to try and catch up.

Events have been off and on with Keeva having some real life issues of his own. Mostly work related and him being unable to log in. Still we managed to do some light sky and sea stuff but nothing amazing to report about. Einherjar been the same but recently we have done a lot of recruiting and have I think 6 new people that are going to be coming which should really help us out. Salvage has been salvage and nothing has dropped.

I merited my BLM a ton and am pretty much done with it now. Id like to get a Sorc ring and some relic pants but neither of those really on the horizon anytime soon. Be nice to have though as I think I could break 2.4k on puddings which would be funny to see.

With BLM being done I started to get bored so it was time to pick a new job to level. As always I want to do SAM but just don't have the funds right now to do it right. SO while waiting for some gil to come in I went and unlocked DRG. Started leveling it and its at 11 right now. I think I want it to 75 just to have another job done and because I have Homan I can use on it. Guess I'll keep on leveling for now and see how it goes.