Could it be? The first ever 2 for 1 posting day? YES!!!
Ok the last post went rather long talking about Linkshells and whatnot so didn't want to add the things i had been doing to make it overly long. So now you get my game happenings update.
Limbus shell went and killed an Omega. Really easy win and for drops we got Head and Hands. Since i'll be leaving soon and dont have many points i have almost no chance to lot the Homam feet if/when they drop. However, I still need to upgrade my DRK AF so thats really what I keep going on runs for. Oh and some ABC to either sell or use for upgrades.
Sky shell did a few Suzy's and we got some Byako's planed for next week. Since we keep canceling runs though its been frustrating. For whatever reason however, the LS leader has taken a liking to me and plans on getting me an early drop. Doesn't matter to me either way since i'm going off to Leviathan. I think he just wants to reward me because i kept showing up while others have been inconsistant even though im farily new to shell (4 weeks).
Oh and one more thing. I started leveling BLM again. I seem to do this in spurts and this week has been one of those times. Currently I'm level 64 and would like to shoot for 66 by the end of the day Friday. I managed to actually get an invite to a traditional party. We level synced to 52 and went to crawlers nest. Wow that was odd going back there again. The party even set up some skill chains for me to burst on. I started messing around and threw out a Freeze when one mob had hit 40ish % to kill it off. One member suggested i do a freeze burst after seeing the damage. I hadn't seen one of those done in about 4 years but i remebered how it went and explained to the party that I was the one who started the whole thing off. Anyways we did it and fun was had by all. I topped out in damage at around 1210. Good Stuff. Mostly I just solo pets for xp and I actually enjoy it a fair bit.
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
/shout Linkshells
Just noticed I had been managing to squeeze out two posts a month on the BLOG and since this is the last day of April, I'll go ahead and make an update.
So I made the decision to move back to Leviathan. Actually I made this decision about the same time I dropped out of Haze. I haven't posted about wanting to move back on the remote chance someone actually reads this BLOG and it kept me out of some event shells while waiting on my time in Phoenix. Now though I'm Down to just 20 more days and regardless I can tough that out.
So what have I been doing in Phoenix these last few weeks? Well for one I picked up an odd hobby of joining lots of /shout Linkshells. Seriously I have about 7 LS's I'm in at the moment. These range from a EU shell, to sky shells, to ZNM shells, and some social shells. One thing I've noticed about all of these is that they struggle to keep membership up. For instance in the last 3 weeks every sky run but one has been cancelled due to poor showing. So the LS's go back to shouting and then of course they lose a few members who are mad the runs have been cancelled and the cycle perpetuates.
Another thing I've found fascinating is the people in these shells. They are small in member number but all seem to have a core group of 3-4 good friends. Also, they generally have 1-2 really well geared and really good characters. I'm talking a Relic weapon holder, some Maat's cap's, and some adaberk's. Things of that nature. If I had to hazard a guess these shells were either made by really good long time players who wanted to strike out and lead their own LS, or they bought their characters. I've seen both and of course its fairly easy to tell for someone who has played a while.
The guy with a relic who leads the EU shell I'm in, and who I do Limbus with, is legit. He knows his stuff and you can tell he is well liked and respected from the shells members. They also do events very smoothly and so its easy to get along with them. In my ZNM shell though its far different. This shell has 2 characters with Maat's cap. We go out to kill some Armed Gears. Now if you've ever done this ZNM you know you need to cast spells based on what enspell the mob has up. You want to cast the magic that is strong against its current en. These guys had no Clue what the elemental circle/order was. Not only did the Maat's cap guys not know, but the other mages didn't either. I had to tell them a few times and have them make a macro to call out the current spell element to cast.
Now are these shells bad? No not at all. We in fact won all of our ZNM fights and my sky shells do very well when we actually go to things. Are they slightly less efficient at doing things. Absolutely. There's stronger potential to mess things up and low member attendance really hampers their overall progression. Most of the people have been really nice and they all seem to want to get better. The thing that strikes me though is these are the type of people you may meet in RL who really want to do great things and be better but are waiting on something. What they are waiting on I can't say. But this lack of urgency and initiative is what ultimately holds them back.
So I made the decision to move back to Leviathan. Actually I made this decision about the same time I dropped out of Haze. I haven't posted about wanting to move back on the remote chance someone actually reads this BLOG and it kept me out of some event shells while waiting on my time in Phoenix. Now though I'm Down to just 20 more days and regardless I can tough that out.
So what have I been doing in Phoenix these last few weeks? Well for one I picked up an odd hobby of joining lots of /shout Linkshells. Seriously I have about 7 LS's I'm in at the moment. These range from a EU shell, to sky shells, to ZNM shells, and some social shells. One thing I've noticed about all of these is that they struggle to keep membership up. For instance in the last 3 weeks every sky run but one has been cancelled due to poor showing. So the LS's go back to shouting and then of course they lose a few members who are mad the runs have been cancelled and the cycle perpetuates.
Another thing I've found fascinating is the people in these shells. They are small in member number but all seem to have a core group of 3-4 good friends. Also, they generally have 1-2 really well geared and really good characters. I'm talking a Relic weapon holder, some Maat's cap's, and some adaberk's. Things of that nature. If I had to hazard a guess these shells were either made by really good long time players who wanted to strike out and lead their own LS, or they bought their characters. I've seen both and of course its fairly easy to tell for someone who has played a while.
The guy with a relic who leads the EU shell I'm in, and who I do Limbus with, is legit. He knows his stuff and you can tell he is well liked and respected from the shells members. They also do events very smoothly and so its easy to get along with them. In my ZNM shell though its far different. This shell has 2 characters with Maat's cap. We go out to kill some Armed Gears. Now if you've ever done this ZNM you know you need to cast spells based on what enspell the mob has up. You want to cast the magic that is strong against its current en. These guys had no Clue what the elemental circle/order was. Not only did the Maat's cap guys not know, but the other mages didn't either. I had to tell them a few times and have them make a macro to call out the current spell element to cast.
Now are these shells bad? No not at all. We in fact won all of our ZNM fights and my sky shells do very well when we actually go to things. Are they slightly less efficient at doing things. Absolutely. There's stronger potential to mess things up and low member attendance really hampers their overall progression. Most of the people have been really nice and they all seem to want to get better. The thing that strikes me though is these are the type of people you may meet in RL who really want to do great things and be better but are waiting on something. What they are waiting on I can't say. But this lack of urgency and initiative is what ultimately holds them back.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Add-on Expansion Fails to deliver?
So the update hit. Never did get around to posting those update notes from SE. Oh well, maybe next time. Any ways they released the new Add on "A Crystalline Prophecy". This was essentially a very small expansion scenario that would take at most 5 hours to do if you had no competition for pops.
I'll admit to being extremely disappointed in how little actually came with this expansion. A few CS, 2 new battles, and then some running around was all it entailed. The battles themselves were a bit meh too. The first few people through to the BC's went in unprepared and didn't have a solid strategy and got just beat down. So of course people started saying they were hard and that you needed x job and do y to win. Really though if you understood the battles they were pathetically weak in my opinion.
Now I'm sure a few of you just got pissed off reading that. Too bad, its true. Seriously the 1st BC if you just have everyone concentrate on the yag when you go in and keep buffs up so the teleporting THF don't one shot you, its pretty hard to lose. I won this fight about 4-5 times in a row with various job and party set ups. The mobs are weak and even though there are 4 of them they just aren't strong enough to overwhelm you so just ignore the adds and work on one mob at a time. No kiting, no nothing required. Just have competent healers and a tank who will grab a mob off of said healer should they need it. With everyone doing 1 mob at a time, said mob falls fast and then it just gets easier as you go.
The last fight. Man how this fight can be easy as long as you know how to handle it. Tanks, get a freaking Magic damage setup. I tanked this as PLD and never dropped below 900 HP the whole time. Just go in , grab hate, burn every ability, then just keep running as it draws you in. Sub RDM and spam sleep, bind, dispel, blind when you get the chance during ga spells or his seed moves. Range attackers stay at distance and plug away while you have one member grabbing and taking care of the clones. Have one stunner for GA spells and you set. Won in 18 minutes, zero deaths, and was not even a challenge at any point. You can also just zerg this but a BRD is near a must as I went with a group that was too slow in killing and eventually lost due to way too many clones up.
All that said, I do love the new Body piece I got for my PLD. With this it means I really have no use for Dyna anymore since I have no purpose in getting a Valor surcoat now. My PLD is actually very well off now. Not much else I want for it other than Homam Feet and well that's about it unless I wanted to HQ some things. I don't feel like an idiot either walking around having a Hauteclaire and using AF1 body. To be honest many times I felt embarrassed having it and just didn't wear it around town.
I'll admit to being extremely disappointed in how little actually came with this expansion. A few CS, 2 new battles, and then some running around was all it entailed. The battles themselves were a bit meh too. The first few people through to the BC's went in unprepared and didn't have a solid strategy and got just beat down. So of course people started saying they were hard and that you needed x job and do y to win. Really though if you understood the battles they were pathetically weak in my opinion.
Now I'm sure a few of you just got pissed off reading that. Too bad, its true. Seriously the 1st BC if you just have everyone concentrate on the yag when you go in and keep buffs up so the teleporting THF don't one shot you, its pretty hard to lose. I won this fight about 4-5 times in a row with various job and party set ups. The mobs are weak and even though there are 4 of them they just aren't strong enough to overwhelm you so just ignore the adds and work on one mob at a time. No kiting, no nothing required. Just have competent healers and a tank who will grab a mob off of said healer should they need it. With everyone doing 1 mob at a time, said mob falls fast and then it just gets easier as you go.
The last fight. Man how this fight can be easy as long as you know how to handle it. Tanks, get a freaking Magic damage setup. I tanked this as PLD and never dropped below 900 HP the whole time. Just go in , grab hate, burn every ability, then just keep running as it draws you in. Sub RDM and spam sleep, bind, dispel, blind when you get the chance during ga spells or his seed moves. Range attackers stay at distance and plug away while you have one member grabbing and taking care of the clones. Have one stunner for GA spells and you set. Won in 18 minutes, zero deaths, and was not even a challenge at any point. You can also just zerg this but a BRD is near a must as I went with a group that was too slow in killing and eventually lost due to way too many clones up.
All that said, I do love the new Body piece I got for my PLD. With this it means I really have no use for Dyna anymore since I have no purpose in getting a Valor surcoat now. My PLD is actually very well off now. Not much else I want for it other than Homam Feet and well that's about it unless I wanted to HQ some things. I don't feel like an idiot either walking around having a Hauteclaire and using AF1 body. To be honest many times I felt embarrassed having it and just didn't wear it around town.

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