
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Life on Phoenix

Phoenix had been interesting to say the least. So I moved here to join up with an HNM shell. The shell was decent and had some nice people in it but there was also a protion of players whos morales were just too low for me. The Called for help on another LS's Kirin and then proceded to try and steal it. I left the shell imediately after this incident. Thats just not what i am about. Lasted 4 whole days before that and maneged to kill a few HNM's at least but still its not worth it if thats how they are going to act.

I proceded to be without a shell for about 4-5 days. It was very boring and relaxing at the same time. Did a lot of meriting on DRK and i know have 8 scythe merits, 3 Last resort Effect, and 1 diabolic eye. Also had a ton of IS so bought me a Perdu Scythe. Overall im pretty pleased with my drk. Looking to get an askar body, finish up merits, and upgrade some AF to +1 and i'll be done with it i think.

So after my 5 days with no shell i finally got into one called Armada. They do sky sea limbus dynamis all on a regular basis and seem to be pretty good at those events. They have a couple of outside Einharjer shells that im looking into as well and that should be a nice new event for me. Would love to get an Ebody from there one day.

The shell itself has some good players in it. They have an apoc DRK and just yesterday a PLD finished his Aegis. The thing that has been most intersting and surprising is how much they want me to come PLD to events. They seen my RDM and I got a lot of "Holy SHIT!!" comments but they have a ton of RDM's in shell and while I may be better, they apparently have a stronger need in most events for a good tank.

This has been pretty fun for me as I came from shells on Leviathan that had really strong tanks and I never got to use mine much. So already they have me main/co-tanking Jailors, Dynamis NM's, Ying/Yang, and possibly I might have to on an AV attempt we got comming up today. I havent told them how little experience I actually have tanking but I must be doing a good job as I seem to be like #3/4 on the depth chart with the shell boasting several 75 PLD's. I Need to really work on PLD gear though as it could use help in certain areas. First and foremost though I need a HP UP/DOWN set to use for cure hate.

As far as things I got planed they go something like this. Golliard Body, Askar Body, ENM, more Gardening, and finish meriting DRK. Need to really start building my gil back up as I have been lazy and gotten down to like 300k. Bleh.

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