
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Monday, June 2, 2008

So got about a month’a worth of updated to get to so here goes.


Monday we did glacier and I was highest priority for RDM body. So yea no drop. The run went well though. So can’t really complain and they finally went and did the boss pull the way I had wanted using just a single thief to run the dragons back to start and just binding and voking the boss till it was time. I missed the Thursday run to do RL issues. The next Monday was xarc and we got another RDM hat but nothing else. That Thursday I missed again this time do to a new LS I have joined (more later). The following Monday was glacier again and guess what? RDM body dropped. I lotted a ….67. However luck was with me as the only other lotter rolled a 43. So 5/5 RDM relic finally. Now to focus on PLD or maybe think about calling an end to a lot if not all my dyna runs. Other than the pld body I have no interest in anything else there.


Did a chip farming run on Monday. Got a whopping 10 coins since we added in the few we got from the last 2 omega fights. Been saving up to get a brutal earring and I now have 51 coins total. After that I need to upgrade PLD boots, RDM hat, and then probably grab a boxers mantle. So yea I still need a lot of coins. Not sure I’ll get the mantle but it is something I been thinking about. Ok cant remebr every run after but did a few chip farming runs, got a total of 68 coins for my earring now. Did ana omega (that I missed) and got good drops, hands and legs. That’s nice since it moves me up the list. Not much else to say.


Tuesday we did another LBC run. Killed him with only 8 members this time and it was actually much easier and a pretty clean fight in general. We had one bad spot and had to take a wipe. He was down to like 25% at the time and regened up to 40% before we had our bard just dia and die over and over while the rest of us healed to full. Once ready we took it down with no major incidents. Got another usukane leg (that’s 3 in a row) and a marduck’s hand. Then Friday my salvage group finally managed to take down LBC as well. Got horrible drops (some head pieces no one wanted) but hey now we can do it and that the guy who drops the morrigans 25 I need so its good news. Did a few more arappago runs and guess what, this past Friday after who knows how many kills of the NM the morrigans robe 35 dropped!!! So I got and now am really close to having my RDM more or less finished as far as I am concerned. There are a few other upgrades I could make but this is the last major thing that will add a significant amount to my repertoire.


Lets see got my DRK to 59. It had been slow going for a while but then invites picked up and the leveling just took off. So as you can see I been leveling drk a lot… I would love to get this to 75 but now that I have the robe piece I have a major need for gil. All my efforts when not at an event will be focused on nothing but gil making.

Been trying to get a run going to get a swift belt. I keep asking and have got a few people to say they will come help but I’ll probably have to shout for a party. That could take a while.

SE announced they are going to allow you to switch nations and have your OP warps put on hold so they are still there if you switch back. Now I think I will finally change to windy and go after the MC bracelets so I can break 340 enfeebling skill, not that it’s going to make much difference. I think were I am now at 334 is pushing the bounds of usefulness and I should stick with stat boosters to make them more effective. Still this is more a long term project and more for completeness sake so not in any rush for this.

There was also a mention of new mage food which I must say will be interesting. The player base is going to want something fairly significant. Like a 10% boost to accuracy/potency/damage or whatnot. This however is going to be very empowering so I can’t possibly see them giving more than either a flat number increase or a smaller 5% increase. Giving too much will make a lot of skill gear unneeded/wanted as you would just switch out to stat gear. This would make having some of my gear pointless although it would also make the food only really useful for HNM’s where you need the boost and not in normal party play.

Other tidbits from the announcement include reduced cost dynamis and an increase in northland drop rates. I know many are thrilled about increase drop rates but damn it’s going to make my hat seem like not as big a deal. Oh well that’s really just me being prideful. Honestly I see tons of RDM nowadays with the hat. It’s not rare really anymore. Uncommon yea but not rare.

PLD gets a new spell and campaign is getting more rank ups. I hope with the rank ups they release more gear for the Iron Ram set. I am very interested in what the body piece will look like stat wise. IF its on par with the rest then you can forget about wanting the PLD relic altogether.

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