So the biggest news I can think of since my last update is that new Weapon skills were released in the last version update. These range from the not so good to the really amazing. The 2 that I am most concerned with of course is the RDM ws Death Blossom, and the PLD ws Atonement.
Death blossom is said by many to be one of the better looking ones. Gee that’s nice… too bad the damage from it still seems to be greatly lacking. It has some nice skill chaining properties being able to open and close many types of chains and the after effect has some limited uses as well. But I was looking for a better damage option with swords to help out the pathetic selection RDM has native access to. Savage blade as the best ws you can have is laughable. And death blossom performs with nearly the same amount of damage even though it gives an extra hit. It’s hurt by its low ftp mod and therefore just doesn’t do it for me. If dual wielding, dagger main hand to evisceration is still the better way to go.
Atonement however is amazing for what you would use it for. It does a flat 750 damage once you have hate to a certain level. That makes it the best option for fights that last over a minute. It’s also a magic damage ws and therefore has 100% accuracy to it. That’s very hard to beat. Now if in a merit party or any situation were fast killing is involved vorpal blade will outperform it simply because there is not enough time to establish adequate hate.
Now the downside, at least for me, to getting these ws is the points it cost to unlock them. Total points are based on what floor your own nyzul disk is cleared through. IF you got 100 floor great, just 250 to do. But if like me and you’re on zero then it takes roughly 14,000 points to unlock it. And that’s per ws. Bleh. I am trying to do climbs though but the last 2 runs have been canceled so I am still stuck at zero. Hopefully we get this on track soon. Oh and I don’t have the RDM sword yet anyways but do have the PLD one. Just using the sword at random events and in parties has got me up to about 500 points but that’s just a drop in the bucket and it took me over 2 weeks to do that. So put this down as a long term goal for now.
Limbus has seen a drop in attendance from some members again so we been farming chips and trying to rebuild the ranks. We have I believe 3 ultima pop sets and 2 omega sets ready to go. We recruited 3 new people this past week so hopefully we will knock out another boss this coming Thursday. If we do, it will probably be ultima. Now the ultima gear is ok and I can find a few uses for some of it, I just don’t want to give up my spot in line for homam drops. So that being said, I hope others in front of me do want it so it moves me up the list more on homam.
Also, I hate to say this but I am getting the itch again for dynamis. I mainly want to just beat the cop zones so I can say I’ve done them all as well as maybe get some gear for my up comming BLM. One day I do plan on leveling BLU as well and the recently released relic for that seems to be pretty good. Although, more morrigin gear may make that not as desired for me
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
August Update
Past time for another update. Can’t believe its been a whole month since I got the Joyeuse.
So I’ve fallen into a bit of a routine lately. I got so many events scheduled now its hard not to. Monday is Limbus and Einharjer (however the hell you spell it). Tuesday is Salvage and then when its over I try to get down and Help out PNB with sea/sky or whatever they got planed. Wednesday is salvage again and soon to be Nyzul. Thursday is more limbus and late night Sky. Friday is salvage and then a late ENM. So yea that’s a pretty full schedule.
With what little free time I have, I spend it mostly farming some (still paying off my ingot loan) and then doing a bit of campaign. There is another updated schedule early in september (if I had to guess id say it will happen on the 8th) and I am hopefull they introduce the last piece of the Iron ram set, the body, that I can pick up. However, I had used up most my points so I need to build them back up hence doing more Campaign again. Back up to 40k AN and I’m figuring going to need about 75k to at most 100k for the body piece.
The other thing I been doing is finally leveling up my nin subjob. That’s right I been 75 RDM for well over 3 years and my nin still not 37. I know its very useful at times but those timea are far fewer than most RDM use it for. Its really only beneficial if you are soloing a very hard hitting mob, a mob you don’t want to give tp, and in some but not all melee situations. Far to many rdm slap on /nin when it really has no merit for the situation and you would be better served going something else like /war for damage or /blu for high defense and making shadows unneeded in the first place.
I do however really need the sub for my PLD. A lot of tanking nowadays at the endgame level is done with /nin and having a lot of haste gear. I never had much haste gear so it made this style of tanking something I couldn’t do. I mean I could by some dusk stuff for haste but you really need a swift belt and some homam to make it happen. Well now that I have some of that stuff its become a real possibility for me. Got the swift belt a while back, rebought the dusk gloves, had the wal-mart turbin, and then last Monday I got the homam pants. In total I have 15% haste in gear so now its time to focus on the /nin tanking setup meaning I actually need to level nin up. Got it to 35 now so one more xp party and its done. Just need to get the NI scroll and I am all set. Going to need to BCNM it though since most my gil still going to ingot payback.
Not much else going on other than I got another 35 drop from salvage. It’s the hands making my debate over what I really wanted to upgrade next a null point. Hands are very good and I was leaning that way so it all turned out well. We went after the Boss that drops the 25 and managed to kill it. It was our first time fighting it and was not the cleanest of fights but we did manage to pull through. Didn’t drop the hands but it got some other needed 25’s for the LS. So grats to them.
So I’ve fallen into a bit of a routine lately. I got so many events scheduled now its hard not to. Monday is Limbus and Einharjer (however the hell you spell it). Tuesday is Salvage and then when its over I try to get down and Help out PNB with sea/sky or whatever they got planed. Wednesday is salvage again and soon to be Nyzul. Thursday is more limbus and late night Sky. Friday is salvage and then a late ENM. So yea that’s a pretty full schedule.
With what little free time I have, I spend it mostly farming some (still paying off my ingot loan) and then doing a bit of campaign. There is another updated schedule early in september (if I had to guess id say it will happen on the 8th) and I am hopefull they introduce the last piece of the Iron ram set, the body, that I can pick up. However, I had used up most my points so I need to build them back up hence doing more Campaign again. Back up to 40k AN and I’m figuring going to need about 75k to at most 100k for the body piece.
The other thing I been doing is finally leveling up my nin subjob. That’s right I been 75 RDM for well over 3 years and my nin still not 37. I know its very useful at times but those timea are far fewer than most RDM use it for. Its really only beneficial if you are soloing a very hard hitting mob, a mob you don’t want to give tp, and in some but not all melee situations. Far to many rdm slap on /nin when it really has no merit for the situation and you would be better served going something else like /war for damage or /blu for high defense and making shadows unneeded in the first place.
I do however really need the sub for my PLD. A lot of tanking nowadays at the endgame level is done with /nin and having a lot of haste gear. I never had much haste gear so it made this style of tanking something I couldn’t do. I mean I could by some dusk stuff for haste but you really need a swift belt and some homam to make it happen. Well now that I have some of that stuff its become a real possibility for me. Got the swift belt a while back, rebought the dusk gloves, had the wal-mart turbin, and then last Monday I got the homam pants. In total I have 15% haste in gear so now its time to focus on the /nin tanking setup meaning I actually need to level nin up. Got it to 35 now so one more xp party and its done. Just need to get the NI scroll and I am all set. Going to need to BCNM it though since most my gil still going to ingot payback.
Not much else going on other than I got another 35 drop from salvage. It’s the hands making my debate over what I really wanted to upgrade next a null point. Hands are very good and I was leaning that way so it all turned out well. We went after the Boss that drops the 25 and managed to kill it. It was our first time fighting it and was not the cleanest of fights but we did manage to pull through. Didn’t drop the hands but it got some other needed 25’s for the LS. So grats to them.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The goods keep comming
When it rains it pours.
Ok so my lucky streak isn’t over yet. I haven’t posted about this on my blog in the entire time of its existence which I find a bit odd. I have been trying to get a Joyuese for literally years now. My biggest problem is I can’t leave my computer on overnight to try and get a TOD. The few times I have gotten a TOD half those times I couldn’t get people together and the other half my group got out claimed. I seen charby popped and killed a good 20 times over the last few years trying to get my sword.
Enter Monday evening after maintenance. So with timers reset after maintenance I had logged in SSG and hoped for the best. So good news is I was the very first person to log into SSG so I knew it hadn’t popped. Bad news is I couldn’t get anyone down there to help out. So I figured at least maybe if it popped early I would have TOD and another chance later that night before going to bed.
As it turned out it didn’t pop early at all. Only one guy had people there to kill charby so his group went about killing PH for the next 3 hours. Why I continued to stay there knowing the TOD didn’t matter as it was going to be too late and I didn’t have people is beyond me. Guess it’s because I was stubborn and wanted to see it pop again and also all my events that day were canceled b/c of the maint. Well 3 hours in it hadn’t popped and the other group had to go. So only I and one other RDM were left in the room.
We got to talking and decided we would kill PH and he informed me he had friends on the way to help kill. That’s cool I don’t mind helping to pop it while his friends gather and I’d have TOD so maybe someone else in my shell could use. His ls gets there and the killing goes on for another hour. Still no sign of charby.
At this point its midnight and I been camping it for 5 hours. It’s late though and the merit parties and other various things people in LS were doing have all ended. Upon hearing Charby still hadn’t popped I got word a few people were on the way to help kill. I was ecstatic. Only one other group camping and with the window open for as long as it had been something was going to come to a head and soon.
Well another hour and a half goes by. It’s 1:30 am and were tired as hell but both groups still there camping. Our nin tank, said he had one more pop then had to go to bed. Wouldn’t you know it he popped? Course this mob always been a curse to me so as luck would have it we get out claimed.
Then we noticed a few things. One, the other party had no bard to give their nin tank mambos. Second, the nin was only 74 and not very well geared for evasion tanking. Third, their war was meleing and feeding it tons of hp and grabbing a lot of hate. 2 minutes in war goes down. 1 minute later nin is dead. At this point it went unclaimed but ls leader said to wait for them to full wipe to be fair. So we did.
Soon as their last mage went down we grabbed him and the fight was on. Our party was nin, thf, brd, rdm, war and I think sam. Sam was there for help claiming and killing adds. So our party setup is classic for charby killing. The fight itself though starts out bad. Charby already had tp from the other group and as soon as we claimed did that AOE move then proceeded to kill the nin almost instantly as we were trying to move into position.
Fortune was with us though. The war was next on hate list and died soon after. This was expected really so instead of worrying about him I focused on healing up and getting the thf buffed and ready. Thief takes over tanking and its smooth sailing from here. 20 minutes later charby goes down and joyeuse is mine. 3 years, a 6 hour long open window camping session, out claimed, a near wipe, and now it’s finally all over.
Ok so my lucky streak isn’t over yet. I haven’t posted about this on my blog in the entire time of its existence which I find a bit odd. I have been trying to get a Joyuese for literally years now. My biggest problem is I can’t leave my computer on overnight to try and get a TOD. The few times I have gotten a TOD half those times I couldn’t get people together and the other half my group got out claimed. I seen charby popped and killed a good 20 times over the last few years trying to get my sword.
Enter Monday evening after maintenance. So with timers reset after maintenance I had logged in SSG and hoped for the best. So good news is I was the very first person to log into SSG so I knew it hadn’t popped. Bad news is I couldn’t get anyone down there to help out. So I figured at least maybe if it popped early I would have TOD and another chance later that night before going to bed.
As it turned out it didn’t pop early at all. Only one guy had people there to kill charby so his group went about killing PH for the next 3 hours. Why I continued to stay there knowing the TOD didn’t matter as it was going to be too late and I didn’t have people is beyond me. Guess it’s because I was stubborn and wanted to see it pop again and also all my events that day were canceled b/c of the maint. Well 3 hours in it hadn’t popped and the other group had to go. So only I and one other RDM were left in the room.
We got to talking and decided we would kill PH and he informed me he had friends on the way to help kill. That’s cool I don’t mind helping to pop it while his friends gather and I’d have TOD so maybe someone else in my shell could use. His ls gets there and the killing goes on for another hour. Still no sign of charby.
At this point its midnight and I been camping it for 5 hours. It’s late though and the merit parties and other various things people in LS were doing have all ended. Upon hearing Charby still hadn’t popped I got word a few people were on the way to help kill. I was ecstatic. Only one other group camping and with the window open for as long as it had been something was going to come to a head and soon.
Well another hour and a half goes by. It’s 1:30 am and were tired as hell but both groups still there camping. Our nin tank, said he had one more pop then had to go to bed. Wouldn’t you know it he popped? Course this mob always been a curse to me so as luck would have it we get out claimed.
Then we noticed a few things. One, the other party had no bard to give their nin tank mambos. Second, the nin was only 74 and not very well geared for evasion tanking. Third, their war was meleing and feeding it tons of hp and grabbing a lot of hate. 2 minutes in war goes down. 1 minute later nin is dead. At this point it went unclaimed but ls leader said to wait for them to full wipe to be fair. So we did.
Soon as their last mage went down we grabbed him and the fight was on. Our party was nin, thf, brd, rdm, war and I think sam. Sam was there for help claiming and killing adds. So our party setup is classic for charby killing. The fight itself though starts out bad. Charby already had tp from the other group and as soon as we claimed did that AOE move then proceeded to kill the nin almost instantly as we were trying to move into position.
Fortune was with us though. The war was next on hate list and died soon after. This was expected really so instead of worrying about him I focused on healing up and getting the thf buffed and ready. Thief takes over tanking and its smooth sailing from here. 20 minutes later charby goes down and joyeuse is mine. 3 years, a 6 hour long open window camping session, out claimed, a near wipe, and now it’s finally all over.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Morrigan’s Robe.
No other way to start this post really except to say I finally turned in all the materials, items, and Imperial coins to get my robe done. Wow! This piece is simply amazing. Not only that, it caps off one hell of a good streak I had for about the last month. I got an Altruistic cape from sea last week, a Hautecalire from the mog bonanza, and now the Morrigan’s robe.

I won’t lie; upgrading the Robe nearly killed me. I had about 3 million of the 9 million it cost to upgrade before the last piece dropped meaning I needed a lot of gil still to upgrade it. I basically set small goals for myself to try and get this done. First, make sure everyday I was making some gil. Second, farm no les than 50k every day I logged on. Third, do ENM’s on a regular basis. Fourth, garden with all my characters to try for elemental ores. Last, sell everything that wasn’t needed for RDM and PLD. This kind of hurt to do since I was really enjoying leveling my DRK and BLM but it had to be done. Doing all of this for the last 2 months slowly and steadily brought the funds in. Although, I did borrow the last 3 ingots from a friend in my Limbus shell and still need to pay him back. About another 1.5 mil to go to be completely cleared.
I learned a lot about gil making to be honest and overall this may be an even bigger benefit to me as a whole than even the robe is. Farming, for as boring as it is, really isn’t as bad as I had thought. I used to farm and make lots of money but then the economy bottomed out and it was hard to find something worth while. You could spend an hour farming and barely make 20k. Just didn’t seem worth it. However, doing just a little bit every day really does add up. I did find some things that brought me up to 30k an hour (sometimes 40k) and farmed at least 2 hours every day. Over the course of a week this brought in about 350k. Do that for 2 months and I was looking at 2.8 million of the 6 million I still needed. Nearly half way done just slowly pecking away at it.
Gardening was pretty mixed in truth. I made maybe 600k from this over 2 months once you subtract out all the cost for materials including tables and pots. However it’s so easy to do I’m going to keep it up as a way to supplement what I earn and see it as an easy bonus. ENM’s was almost a bust with all the crap drops I got but hell even those got me probably 200k over the course of a few month’s. Gear selling netted me about 1 mil. Sold my dusk gloves, chivalrous chain, vasago’s scythe, potent belt, and some other miscellaneous stuff mostly all for DRK.
I kept waiting to buy ingots in hope that the price would go down. Well I did that after the first 4 anyways. I was so excited when I got all the drops that I blew that 3 mil I had on 4 ingots right away. Then I got more cautious although in the end the prices stayed at 750k for the last several I bought. The mog bonanza helped with ore prices and I managed to snag one ingot for 630k, 1 for 670k, and 1 for 710k. All told saved 240k from the short time price drop.
I got to nine ingots and finally got so excited I asked to borrow for the last 3 ingots. A friend had offered before but I declined because I didn’t want to be that indebted to someone (at time only had 5/12) and I wanted to accomplish this on my own. However, as I got closer and new it was only a matter of time I went ahead and borrowed the last 3. Got enough to pay back 1 soon as AH stuff sells and the other 2 should take a few more weeks at most to get me in the clear.
No other way to start this post really except to say I finally turned in all the materials, items, and Imperial coins to get my robe done. Wow! This piece is simply amazing. Not only that, it caps off one hell of a good streak I had for about the last month. I got an Altruistic cape from sea last week, a Hautecalire from the mog bonanza, and now the Morrigan’s robe.

I won’t lie; upgrading the Robe nearly killed me. I had about 3 million of the 9 million it cost to upgrade before the last piece dropped meaning I needed a lot of gil still to upgrade it. I basically set small goals for myself to try and get this done. First, make sure everyday I was making some gil. Second, farm no les than 50k every day I logged on. Third, do ENM’s on a regular basis. Fourth, garden with all my characters to try for elemental ores. Last, sell everything that wasn’t needed for RDM and PLD. This kind of hurt to do since I was really enjoying leveling my DRK and BLM but it had to be done. Doing all of this for the last 2 months slowly and steadily brought the funds in. Although, I did borrow the last 3 ingots from a friend in my Limbus shell and still need to pay him back. About another 1.5 mil to go to be completely cleared.
I learned a lot about gil making to be honest and overall this may be an even bigger benefit to me as a whole than even the robe is. Farming, for as boring as it is, really isn’t as bad as I had thought. I used to farm and make lots of money but then the economy bottomed out and it was hard to find something worth while. You could spend an hour farming and barely make 20k. Just didn’t seem worth it. However, doing just a little bit every day really does add up. I did find some things that brought me up to 30k an hour (sometimes 40k) and farmed at least 2 hours every day. Over the course of a week this brought in about 350k. Do that for 2 months and I was looking at 2.8 million of the 6 million I still needed. Nearly half way done just slowly pecking away at it.
Gardening was pretty mixed in truth. I made maybe 600k from this over 2 months once you subtract out all the cost for materials including tables and pots. However it’s so easy to do I’m going to keep it up as a way to supplement what I earn and see it as an easy bonus. ENM’s was almost a bust with all the crap drops I got but hell even those got me probably 200k over the course of a few month’s. Gear selling netted me about 1 mil. Sold my dusk gloves, chivalrous chain, vasago’s scythe, potent belt, and some other miscellaneous stuff mostly all for DRK.
I kept waiting to buy ingots in hope that the price would go down. Well I did that after the first 4 anyways. I was so excited when I got all the drops that I blew that 3 mil I had on 4 ingots right away. Then I got more cautious although in the end the prices stayed at 750k for the last several I bought. The mog bonanza helped with ore prices and I managed to snag one ingot for 630k, 1 for 670k, and 1 for 710k. All told saved 240k from the short time price drop.
I got to nine ingots and finally got so excited I asked to borrow for the last 3 ingots. A friend had offered before but I declined because I didn’t want to be that indebted to someone (at time only had 5/12) and I wanted to accomplish this on my own. However, as I got closer and new it was only a matter of time I went ahead and borrowed the last 3. Got enough to pay back 1 soon as AH stuff sells and the other 2 should take a few more weeks at most to get me in the clear.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Slow II: Accuracy vs. MND
Max accuracy versus max stat when casting slow II.
I made a post about this on a message board earlier and thought I would expand upon what I wrote here. Someone had asked the question what’s better to cast in +3 skill or +6 MND. This lead to a debate about casting in full accuracy vs. full stat gear vs. a mixture of gear. I believe the answer is all three and I’ll explain.
Like so many things in this game things are situational. Most people however break this down to a fight by fight basis. I like to take that a step further and say it’s situational during the fight as well. If you have an event were three RDM show up you had better be casting in max MND setup since you can do an ES rotation on slow II. That gives you a max slow for 90% of the fight right there and 100% if more than 3 RDM present. IF you don’t have that many then you should bring both your max MND and Max accuracy gear so you can rotate based on whether or not ES is up. Now of course some fights you need to save ES for other things like silence but you should know that already.
So in the above example I am advocating going max MND and max accuracy throughout the fight based on how many other RDM you have to back you up and if you have Elemental seal available to use. IF ES is up go max MND and make the most of it, if not go with your accuracy gear to make sure it lands. This is basic stuff here but most people tend to stick with one or the other and don’t adapt as the fight goes on.
Also don’t forget slow one. If you cast Slow II and get a resist cast Slow I just to get something on the mob. You can always overwrite it later with the stronger version. If it takes you 4 casts to land Slow II at least you would have had some form of enfeeble on the mob. If you stand around waiting a minute to land anything that’s just being unresourceful. If doing this i'd go all out accuracy with slow I and then go max stat to overwrite with Slow II.
As for the original question posted, I personally would stick with the MND. 6 MND is a pretty decent chunk to give up for three skill. I doubt three skill is going to push you over to large a resist threshold to matter. Its good as part of a max skill set up but on its own nothing too incredible. We have so many slots with enfeebling skill now you need to pull back somewhere to get stats and I think feet is one of the best places to do this. I can currently get my skill up to 339 but it moves my MND down to 100 total when doing so and that requires some food. Now I can get some gear improvements for this (some of which I really need to do but am poor now) but doubt I’d get over 110 total.
Because of that when you have the opportunity for so much more MND over skill in a slot id take it. Especially for slow II.
I made a post about this on a message board earlier and thought I would expand upon what I wrote here. Someone had asked the question what’s better to cast in +3 skill or +6 MND. This lead to a debate about casting in full accuracy vs. full stat gear vs. a mixture of gear. I believe the answer is all three and I’ll explain.
Like so many things in this game things are situational. Most people however break this down to a fight by fight basis. I like to take that a step further and say it’s situational during the fight as well. If you have an event were three RDM show up you had better be casting in max MND setup since you can do an ES rotation on slow II. That gives you a max slow for 90% of the fight right there and 100% if more than 3 RDM present. IF you don’t have that many then you should bring both your max MND and Max accuracy gear so you can rotate based on whether or not ES is up. Now of course some fights you need to save ES for other things like silence but you should know that already.
So in the above example I am advocating going max MND and max accuracy throughout the fight based on how many other RDM you have to back you up and if you have Elemental seal available to use. IF ES is up go max MND and make the most of it, if not go with your accuracy gear to make sure it lands. This is basic stuff here but most people tend to stick with one or the other and don’t adapt as the fight goes on.
Also don’t forget slow one. If you cast Slow II and get a resist cast Slow I just to get something on the mob. You can always overwrite it later with the stronger version. If it takes you 4 casts to land Slow II at least you would have had some form of enfeeble on the mob. If you stand around waiting a minute to land anything that’s just being unresourceful. If doing this i'd go all out accuracy with slow I and then go max stat to overwrite with Slow II.
As for the original question posted, I personally would stick with the MND. 6 MND is a pretty decent chunk to give up for three skill. I doubt three skill is going to push you over to large a resist threshold to matter. Its good as part of a max skill set up but on its own nothing too incredible. We have so many slots with enfeebling skill now you need to pull back somewhere to get stats and I think feet is one of the best places to do this. I can currently get my skill up to 339 but it moves my MND down to 100 total when doing so and that requires some food. Now I can get some gear improvements for this (some of which I really need to do but am poor now) but doubt I’d get over 110 total.
Because of that when you have the opportunity for so much more MND over skill in a slot id take it. Especially for slow II.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
June Update
Time for a progress report.
So as far as big news is concerned right after I got the 35 drop for morrigans body the very next Tuesday my group did LBC and we got the 25 piece! SO yes I now have 3/3 and just need some funds to finish up this piece. This has but leveling DRK and BLM on hold as well as leading to me farming, bcnm, ksnm, enm, and anything else I can think of to make the Gil to finish the upgrade. I can’t believe how close I am to having this now. Got a few ingots resting a mule now and I am pretty much having a fire sale on anything I don’t need for PLD and RDM. All told if everything sells and with what I have bought already I should be able to have about 9/12 ingots. Man I am dyeing to put this robe on!
On another lucky note the mog bonanza just ended. Odds of winning of course were pretty damn small and most people expected to get maybe a rank 5 win. A few ls members got a rank 4 win getting them a bit of Gil. In what I can only call now as my current lucky streak (morrigans 35 and 25, nashira legs, duelist tabard all recently) I managed to pull in a rank 3 prize! I chose to get a Hauteclare for my PLD. This sword looks really nice and has nice functional use too. I have yet to actually use it as I just got it this morning but I am excited to see how it fares. It was tempting to take the Gil prize of 1 million just to buy more ingots but the sword is a pretty rare drop off a HNM I never fight anyways so figured it was worth taking.
Limbus has been rolling along as usual. We stopped doing some boss runs for a bit while everyone’s been taking vacations here and there. I did get 75 coins and was going to buy a brutal but when I got the robe pieces just sold them off for more Gil to buy ingots. Been doing that with each runs coins so at the moment just biding my time until another omega run.
Dynamis I have decided to call an end to. I used to love doing dynamis back when I first started. It was new and a large scale event you rarely have in game. I was a main member of an LS doing most of the pulling and able to do lots of different things with my RDM. I had hopes of getting some really rare armor for RDM and it was the only real endgame event I was part of for a long time. Now however its been over 3 years total and I have gotten the RDM armor I had once dreamed of and with my new shell don’t have as much responsibility and therefore the fun has gone out of it for me. I thought I would try and stick it out for the PLD relic but its not that great and though I like PLD a lot it’s just not the same joy for me. I will always remember fondly my times with Alttab and even before that when they were called speedo. The time that Boentiful pulled me aside and asked me to be main puller was a real honor at the time especially since I was so new to the shell. It was with them that I got my Duelist’s Chapeu and will always be greatful of them for that. I was there with them when they got their very first Dynamis Lord Kill and when we completely failed at doing COP zones. I dnot think I’ll ever go back to dynamis unless it was to upgrade a relic weapon and of course that is completely beyond me for the forseeable future. SO this chapter is closed but I’ll never forget the fun I had.
Salvage of course I am still really into. Going three times a week now all with different groups. Keeva and Bongripper are in both the Wednesday and Friday runs so we do have a good group working on those days. My Tuesday group continues to be very effective especially in regards to beating LBC. Killed him again last night and got another 25 morrigans body and the 25 marduck hands. Funny thing is our leader has been needing the 25 Ares drop for a long while now and after 6 kills it has yet to drop for us. For my next upgrade I think I will be going after the morrigans feet but I am not entirely sure yet. 10 mnd in the feet slot is a huge improvement over any other mnd feet in the game. It’s not even close really. However, the hands also look nice and I could use them as well especially on BLM whenever I finish it up.
Not much else to say other than we had that update last month. Some intersting new items were added but nothing I’ll be looking to get right away I don’t think. PLD’s new spell reprisal is interesting. It can really boost block rates and I’ve played around with it a bit to see it’s a noticeable improvement. Recast is long but of course in party with haste gear, haste spell, and march’s you can get it down a good amount. Speaking of haste I finally got a swiftbelt. Along with aiding my PLD tanking skills and my upcomming drk, I can hit a pretty decent haste number on RDM now. In fact between haste gear, haste spell, and fast cast stuff my recast timers on some spells is really low.
So as far as big news is concerned right after I got the 35 drop for morrigans body the very next Tuesday my group did LBC and we got the 25 piece! SO yes I now have 3/3 and just need some funds to finish up this piece. This has but leveling DRK and BLM on hold as well as leading to me farming, bcnm, ksnm, enm, and anything else I can think of to make the Gil to finish the upgrade. I can’t believe how close I am to having this now. Got a few ingots resting a mule now and I am pretty much having a fire sale on anything I don’t need for PLD and RDM. All told if everything sells and with what I have bought already I should be able to have about 9/12 ingots. Man I am dyeing to put this robe on!
On another lucky note the mog bonanza just ended. Odds of winning of course were pretty damn small and most people expected to get maybe a rank 5 win. A few ls members got a rank 4 win getting them a bit of Gil. In what I can only call now as my current lucky streak (morrigans 35 and 25, nashira legs, duelist tabard all recently) I managed to pull in a rank 3 prize! I chose to get a Hauteclare for my PLD. This sword looks really nice and has nice functional use too. I have yet to actually use it as I just got it this morning but I am excited to see how it fares. It was tempting to take the Gil prize of 1 million just to buy more ingots but the sword is a pretty rare drop off a HNM I never fight anyways so figured it was worth taking.
Limbus has been rolling along as usual. We stopped doing some boss runs for a bit while everyone’s been taking vacations here and there. I did get 75 coins and was going to buy a brutal but when I got the robe pieces just sold them off for more Gil to buy ingots. Been doing that with each runs coins so at the moment just biding my time until another omega run.
Dynamis I have decided to call an end to. I used to love doing dynamis back when I first started. It was new and a large scale event you rarely have in game. I was a main member of an LS doing most of the pulling and able to do lots of different things with my RDM. I had hopes of getting some really rare armor for RDM and it was the only real endgame event I was part of for a long time. Now however its been over 3 years total and I have gotten the RDM armor I had once dreamed of and with my new shell don’t have as much responsibility and therefore the fun has gone out of it for me. I thought I would try and stick it out for the PLD relic but its not that great and though I like PLD a lot it’s just not the same joy for me. I will always remember fondly my times with Alttab and even before that when they were called speedo. The time that Boentiful pulled me aside and asked me to be main puller was a real honor at the time especially since I was so new to the shell. It was with them that I got my Duelist’s Chapeu and will always be greatful of them for that. I was there with them when they got their very first Dynamis Lord Kill and when we completely failed at doing COP zones. I dnot think I’ll ever go back to dynamis unless it was to upgrade a relic weapon and of course that is completely beyond me for the forseeable future. SO this chapter is closed but I’ll never forget the fun I had.
Salvage of course I am still really into. Going three times a week now all with different groups. Keeva and Bongripper are in both the Wednesday and Friday runs so we do have a good group working on those days. My Tuesday group continues to be very effective especially in regards to beating LBC. Killed him again last night and got another 25 morrigans body and the 25 marduck hands. Funny thing is our leader has been needing the 25 Ares drop for a long while now and after 6 kills it has yet to drop for us. For my next upgrade I think I will be going after the morrigans feet but I am not entirely sure yet. 10 mnd in the feet slot is a huge improvement over any other mnd feet in the game. It’s not even close really. However, the hands also look nice and I could use them as well especially on BLM whenever I finish it up.
Not much else to say other than we had that update last month. Some intersting new items were added but nothing I’ll be looking to get right away I don’t think. PLD’s new spell reprisal is interesting. It can really boost block rates and I’ve played around with it a bit to see it’s a noticeable improvement. Recast is long but of course in party with haste gear, haste spell, and march’s you can get it down a good amount. Speaking of haste I finally got a swiftbelt. Along with aiding my PLD tanking skills and my upcomming drk, I can hit a pretty decent haste number on RDM now. In fact between haste gear, haste spell, and fast cast stuff my recast timers on some spells is really low.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
RDM Merits
What to merit and in what order? I see this question a lot on forums and get asked it in game from time to time so I thought I would throw my thoughts down into one post and refer to it as needed. Now this is just my suggestion and not the absolute way to do it. So with that in mind here is my sort of mini guide.
I think way back when I started to first merit I went with enfeebling first but I sure wouldn’t do that now if I had to start over. Of course that was pre ToAU so keep that in mind. With today’s fast paced parties I would definitely go with convert then mp first. If nothing else this will make your time meriting easier. I remember as a new to 75 RDM having about 750 mp and not much better with my convert gear. That would be rough to get away with in today’s party atmosphere. Remember its going to take well over a million xp for your RDM merits so anything to make it go by better is a good thing.
After that I would invest a bit here and there. Say like 3 in enfeebling then switch over and do some Group 1 or 2 merits. Usually upgrading something just 1 time gives no noticeable effect; it’s the combination of things that really add up. I also would avoid high cost upgrades and go to something else until you must spend the high cost merit points. For instance using 5 merit points to go from level 4 to 5 convert is probably less useful than using those five to say get level 1 and 2 mp(3 total merits) and boosting enfeebling form 1 (already upgraded once) to level 2 (another 2 merit points). If I had to map out a plan it may look something like this.
3 MP
3 Convert
3 Enfeebling
1 Slow II
3 Ice Accuracy
Total cost at this point is 27 merit points. This touches on all the basics for the job and gives back real benefits. You have given yourself a 10% increase in convert time, added a new spell, and made all your enfeebling spells better while adding more nuke accuracy for Blizzard III as well as increasing base mp.
From here I would work on capping vert, Enfeebling, and ice. Probably in that order unless you really want to go ahead and boost enfeebling first. Then after that just gradually work them all until capped. You may find boosting mp next will help you out more but you may not depending on what you do and who you party with. The problem with mp is it gets pretty costly going up to 5 merit points per upgrade for the last 4 upgrades making it not as cost efficient.
In the end my merits will look like many RDM 75
8/8 MP ( I am a big fan of mp. The more you have the more you can do)
8/8 Sword (though this is more for PLD)
8/8 Enfeebling (self explanatory)
8/8 Elemental (also leveling BLM so double usage)
5/5 Convert (goes with my MP philosophy. Not always used every time your timer is up, but when in intensive MP situations it makes things so much easier. Think of it this way. 1 Piece of refresh equipment gives you 1200 MP an hour. A max convert timer gives you 1 more convert in an hour than someone with out the upgrade. I have 1100+ convert MP so it’s like adding in another refresh piece over time. In a 30 minute BCNM I can get in 4 verts if I use one up immediately at start (through chainspell abuse). In long drawn out solo fights I can throw out nukes faster since I got more mp to burn. All in all there just isn’t any significant reason to not merit this in my opinion.)
5/5 Ice Accuracy (this is a no brainer as far as upgrades. Increases your blizzard III accuracy (most accurate of our nukes thanks to skill on ice staff) and bind, a random spell that you want to land ASAP when you need it. Also helps with paralyze accuracy. So boosting three useful spells is a win in my book)
3/3 Slow II (this is very useful at even one upgrade but not sure the final 2 are a big enough boost to warrant spending more merits on)
5/5 Para II (I know many don’t like this but I get some crazy procs on boss fights once in a while, the main benefit of going to level 5 is it gives more accuracy meaning you can drop some macc and skill gear in favor of more mnd for a better proc rate. The fact I have Ice accuracy merits makes this even easier.)
2/2 Phalanx II (very nice for salvage and other end game things. I only would go with 2 upgrades as this makes the duration of the spell equal to that of refresh making it easy to throw into a casting routine)
Everything else is being dedicated to other jobs so not really important here. That’s still 164 merit points for just RDM, or in terms of xp 1,640,000 spent. The amount and the time it takes to get there is why I suggest starting with convert and mp so you can make that journey a little easier. Of course if you use another job to merit on then you can adjust accordingly.
So as you may have noticed for RDM specific merits I didn’t put anything into wind or earth. Some RDM’s really like wind and a few boost earth because of slow II. Wind to me just doesn’t make sense and I’ll explain why. The 2 big wind spells for RDM are Silence and Gravity. Both are very good spells but have limitations that can’t be overcome no matter what. Gravity’s biggest downfall is that mobs (NM’s anyways where the accuracy matters) become resistant to gravity. No amount of gear or merits can make this built in game function go away. Also Gravity doesn’t increase in power in any way. Mobs don’t get more encumbered with higher skill or stats. The evasion effect is also not increased but static. So the only thing to gravity is whether you land it or you don’t. Very few mobs resist gravity unless they are immune, making the increase in accuracy wasted here. The same holds true for silence. Most mobs are easy to land silence on or they are immune to it, so once again wind merits just don’t cut it for me. Also for must land silence situations you can sub blm and use elemental seal for it (like for suzuku or whatnot).
As for earth merits the only reason people do this is for slow II. Slow 2 is already a very accurate spell so meriting it to land is redundant. The only reason you would merit earth is so you can drop some skill/accuracy equips in favor of more mnd to make for a stronger slow. It’s not a terrible way to spend merits but to be honest I don’t think it’s more beneficial than the others you can get. Also using merits for a chance to improve one spell seems like a waste.
I think way back when I started to first merit I went with enfeebling first but I sure wouldn’t do that now if I had to start over. Of course that was pre ToAU so keep that in mind. With today’s fast paced parties I would definitely go with convert then mp first. If nothing else this will make your time meriting easier. I remember as a new to 75 RDM having about 750 mp and not much better with my convert gear. That would be rough to get away with in today’s party atmosphere. Remember its going to take well over a million xp for your RDM merits so anything to make it go by better is a good thing.
After that I would invest a bit here and there. Say like 3 in enfeebling then switch over and do some Group 1 or 2 merits. Usually upgrading something just 1 time gives no noticeable effect; it’s the combination of things that really add up. I also would avoid high cost upgrades and go to something else until you must spend the high cost merit points. For instance using 5 merit points to go from level 4 to 5 convert is probably less useful than using those five to say get level 1 and 2 mp(3 total merits) and boosting enfeebling form 1 (already upgraded once) to level 2 (another 2 merit points). If I had to map out a plan it may look something like this.
3 MP
3 Convert
3 Enfeebling
1 Slow II
3 Ice Accuracy
Total cost at this point is 27 merit points. This touches on all the basics for the job and gives back real benefits. You have given yourself a 10% increase in convert time, added a new spell, and made all your enfeebling spells better while adding more nuke accuracy for Blizzard III as well as increasing base mp.
From here I would work on capping vert, Enfeebling, and ice. Probably in that order unless you really want to go ahead and boost enfeebling first. Then after that just gradually work them all until capped. You may find boosting mp next will help you out more but you may not depending on what you do and who you party with. The problem with mp is it gets pretty costly going up to 5 merit points per upgrade for the last 4 upgrades making it not as cost efficient.
In the end my merits will look like many RDM 75
8/8 MP ( I am a big fan of mp. The more you have the more you can do)
8/8 Sword (though this is more for PLD)
8/8 Enfeebling (self explanatory)
8/8 Elemental (also leveling BLM so double usage)
5/5 Convert (goes with my MP philosophy. Not always used every time your timer is up, but when in intensive MP situations it makes things so much easier. Think of it this way. 1 Piece of refresh equipment gives you 1200 MP an hour. A max convert timer gives you 1 more convert in an hour than someone with out the upgrade. I have 1100+ convert MP so it’s like adding in another refresh piece over time. In a 30 minute BCNM I can get in 4 verts if I use one up immediately at start (through chainspell abuse). In long drawn out solo fights I can throw out nukes faster since I got more mp to burn. All in all there just isn’t any significant reason to not merit this in my opinion.)
5/5 Ice Accuracy (this is a no brainer as far as upgrades. Increases your blizzard III accuracy (most accurate of our nukes thanks to skill on ice staff) and bind, a random spell that you want to land ASAP when you need it. Also helps with paralyze accuracy. So boosting three useful spells is a win in my book)
3/3 Slow II (this is very useful at even one upgrade but not sure the final 2 are a big enough boost to warrant spending more merits on)
5/5 Para II (I know many don’t like this but I get some crazy procs on boss fights once in a while, the main benefit of going to level 5 is it gives more accuracy meaning you can drop some macc and skill gear in favor of more mnd for a better proc rate. The fact I have Ice accuracy merits makes this even easier.)
2/2 Phalanx II (very nice for salvage and other end game things. I only would go with 2 upgrades as this makes the duration of the spell equal to that of refresh making it easy to throw into a casting routine)
Everything else is being dedicated to other jobs so not really important here. That’s still 164 merit points for just RDM, or in terms of xp 1,640,000 spent. The amount and the time it takes to get there is why I suggest starting with convert and mp so you can make that journey a little easier. Of course if you use another job to merit on then you can adjust accordingly.
So as you may have noticed for RDM specific merits I didn’t put anything into wind or earth. Some RDM’s really like wind and a few boost earth because of slow II. Wind to me just doesn’t make sense and I’ll explain why. The 2 big wind spells for RDM are Silence and Gravity. Both are very good spells but have limitations that can’t be overcome no matter what. Gravity’s biggest downfall is that mobs (NM’s anyways where the accuracy matters) become resistant to gravity. No amount of gear or merits can make this built in game function go away. Also Gravity doesn’t increase in power in any way. Mobs don’t get more encumbered with higher skill or stats. The evasion effect is also not increased but static. So the only thing to gravity is whether you land it or you don’t. Very few mobs resist gravity unless they are immune, making the increase in accuracy wasted here. The same holds true for silence. Most mobs are easy to land silence on or they are immune to it, so once again wind merits just don’t cut it for me. Also for must land silence situations you can sub blm and use elemental seal for it (like for suzuku or whatnot).
As for earth merits the only reason people do this is for slow II. Slow 2 is already a very accurate spell so meriting it to land is redundant. The only reason you would merit earth is so you can drop some skill/accuracy equips in favor of more mnd to make for a stronger slow. It’s not a terrible way to spend merits but to be honest I don’t think it’s more beneficial than the others you can get. Also using merits for a chance to improve one spell seems like a waste.
Monday, June 2, 2008
So got about a month’a worth of updated to get to so here goes.
Monday we did glacier and I was highest priority for RDM body. So yea no drop. The run went well though. So can’t really complain and they finally went and did the boss pull the way I had wanted using just a single thief to run the dragons back to start and just binding and voking the boss till it was time. I missed the Thursday run to do RL issues. The next Monday was xarc and we got another RDM hat but nothing else. That Thursday I missed again this time do to a new LS I have joined (more later). The following Monday was glacier again and guess what? RDM body dropped. I lotted a ….67. However luck was with me as the only other lotter rolled a 43. So 5/5 RDM relic finally. Now to focus on PLD or maybe think about calling an end to a lot if not all my dyna runs. Other than the pld body I have no interest in anything else there.
Did a chip farming run on Monday. Got a whopping 10 coins since we added in the few we got from the last 2 omega fights. Been saving up to get a brutal earring and I now have 51 coins total. After that I need to upgrade PLD boots, RDM hat, and then probably grab a boxers mantle. So yea I still need a lot of coins. Not sure I’ll get the mantle but it is something I been thinking about. Ok cant remebr every run after but did a few chip farming runs, got a total of 68 coins for my earring now. Did ana omega (that I missed) and got good drops, hands and legs. That’s nice since it moves me up the list. Not much else to say.
Tuesday we did another LBC run. Killed him with only 8 members this time and it was actually much easier and a pretty clean fight in general. We had one bad spot and had to take a wipe. He was down to like 25% at the time and regened up to 40% before we had our bard just dia and die over and over while the rest of us healed to full. Once ready we took it down with no major incidents. Got another usukane leg (that’s 3 in a row) and a marduck’s hand. Then Friday my salvage group finally managed to take down LBC as well. Got horrible drops (some head pieces no one wanted) but hey now we can do it and that the guy who drops the morrigans 25 I need so its good news. Did a few more arappago runs and guess what, this past Friday after who knows how many kills of the NM the morrigans robe 35 dropped!!! So I got and now am really close to having my RDM more or less finished as far as I am concerned. There are a few other upgrades I could make but this is the last major thing that will add a significant amount to my repertoire.
Lets see got my DRK to 59. It had been slow going for a while but then invites picked up and the leveling just took off. So as you can see I been leveling drk a lot… I would love to get this to 75 but now that I have the robe piece I have a major need for gil. All my efforts when not at an event will be focused on nothing but gil making.
Been trying to get a run going to get a swift belt. I keep asking and have got a few people to say they will come help but I’ll probably have to shout for a party. That could take a while.
SE announced they are going to allow you to switch nations and have your OP warps put on hold so they are still there if you switch back. Now I think I will finally change to windy and go after the MC bracelets so I can break 340 enfeebling skill, not that it’s going to make much difference. I think were I am now at 334 is pushing the bounds of usefulness and I should stick with stat boosters to make them more effective. Still this is more a long term project and more for completeness sake so not in any rush for this.
There was also a mention of new mage food which I must say will be interesting. The player base is going to want something fairly significant. Like a 10% boost to accuracy/potency/damage or whatnot. This however is going to be very empowering so I can’t possibly see them giving more than either a flat number increase or a smaller 5% increase. Giving too much will make a lot of skill gear unneeded/wanted as you would just switch out to stat gear. This would make having some of my gear pointless although it would also make the food only really useful for HNM’s where you need the boost and not in normal party play.
Other tidbits from the announcement include reduced cost dynamis and an increase in northland drop rates. I know many are thrilled about increase drop rates but damn it’s going to make my hat seem like not as big a deal. Oh well that’s really just me being prideful. Honestly I see tons of RDM nowadays with the hat. It’s not rare really anymore. Uncommon yea but not rare.
PLD gets a new spell and campaign is getting more rank ups. I hope with the rank ups they release more gear for the Iron Ram set. I am very interested in what the body piece will look like stat wise. IF its on par with the rest then you can forget about wanting the PLD relic altogether.
Monday we did glacier and I was highest priority for RDM body. So yea no drop. The run went well though. So can’t really complain and they finally went and did the boss pull the way I had wanted using just a single thief to run the dragons back to start and just binding and voking the boss till it was time. I missed the Thursday run to do RL issues. The next Monday was xarc and we got another RDM hat but nothing else. That Thursday I missed again this time do to a new LS I have joined (more later). The following Monday was glacier again and guess what? RDM body dropped. I lotted a ….67. However luck was with me as the only other lotter rolled a 43. So 5/5 RDM relic finally. Now to focus on PLD or maybe think about calling an end to a lot if not all my dyna runs. Other than the pld body I have no interest in anything else there.
Did a chip farming run on Monday. Got a whopping 10 coins since we added in the few we got from the last 2 omega fights. Been saving up to get a brutal earring and I now have 51 coins total. After that I need to upgrade PLD boots, RDM hat, and then probably grab a boxers mantle. So yea I still need a lot of coins. Not sure I’ll get the mantle but it is something I been thinking about. Ok cant remebr every run after but did a few chip farming runs, got a total of 68 coins for my earring now. Did ana omega (that I missed) and got good drops, hands and legs. That’s nice since it moves me up the list. Not much else to say.
Tuesday we did another LBC run. Killed him with only 8 members this time and it was actually much easier and a pretty clean fight in general. We had one bad spot and had to take a wipe. He was down to like 25% at the time and regened up to 40% before we had our bard just dia and die over and over while the rest of us healed to full. Once ready we took it down with no major incidents. Got another usukane leg (that’s 3 in a row) and a marduck’s hand. Then Friday my salvage group finally managed to take down LBC as well. Got horrible drops (some head pieces no one wanted) but hey now we can do it and that the guy who drops the morrigans 25 I need so its good news. Did a few more arappago runs and guess what, this past Friday after who knows how many kills of the NM the morrigans robe 35 dropped!!! So I got and now am really close to having my RDM more or less finished as far as I am concerned. There are a few other upgrades I could make but this is the last major thing that will add a significant amount to my repertoire.
Lets see got my DRK to 59. It had been slow going for a while but then invites picked up and the leveling just took off. So as you can see I been leveling drk a lot… I would love to get this to 75 but now that I have the robe piece I have a major need for gil. All my efforts when not at an event will be focused on nothing but gil making.
Been trying to get a run going to get a swift belt. I keep asking and have got a few people to say they will come help but I’ll probably have to shout for a party. That could take a while.
SE announced they are going to allow you to switch nations and have your OP warps put on hold so they are still there if you switch back. Now I think I will finally change to windy and go after the MC bracelets so I can break 340 enfeebling skill, not that it’s going to make much difference. I think were I am now at 334 is pushing the bounds of usefulness and I should stick with stat boosters to make them more effective. Still this is more a long term project and more for completeness sake so not in any rush for this.
There was also a mention of new mage food which I must say will be interesting. The player base is going to want something fairly significant. Like a 10% boost to accuracy/potency/damage or whatnot. This however is going to be very empowering so I can’t possibly see them giving more than either a flat number increase or a smaller 5% increase. Giving too much will make a lot of skill gear unneeded/wanted as you would just switch out to stat gear. This would make having some of my gear pointless although it would also make the food only really useful for HNM’s where you need the boost and not in normal party play.
Other tidbits from the announcement include reduced cost dynamis and an increase in northland drop rates. I know many are thrilled about increase drop rates but damn it’s going to make my hat seem like not as big a deal. Oh well that’s really just me being prideful. Honestly I see tons of RDM nowadays with the hat. It’s not rare really anymore. Uncommon yea but not rare.
PLD gets a new spell and campaign is getting more rank ups. I hope with the rank ups they release more gear for the Iron Ram set. I am very interested in what the body piece will look like stat wise. IF its on par with the rest then you can forget about wanting the PLD relic altogether.
Friday, May 9, 2008
May 9th update
So been about 2 weeks since my last post so I figure its time for another update.
We did 2 omegas and then a couple of chip farming runs these last 2 weeks. Omega was being stingy and dropped 4 head pieces (nearly worthless with the walmart turbin available for more haste) and 1 body than I already had and others were passing on to stay in line for a better piece. The body ended up going to a newer guy in the shell and I’m happy for him as he could have been waiting a long time for something as he was at the bottom of the list for stuff.
Let’s see we did 2 windy runs, a glacier and a xarcabard. Glacier is the run I really like doing since it drops my RDM body I need. It still didn’t drop but judjing by the people lotting and the points posted I should be able to lot the next one that drops. We are going there again on Monday so I’m hopeful for some good news to report. The xarca run was good with 5 AF dropping including a RDM hat so grats to them as they had been waiting a long time for some of their members. Windurst runs were , well who cares I hate windy and don’t really care for the AF there anyways.
Both of my salvage groups have been after Long Bowed Chariot. My Tuesday group, which is much larger, was finally able to take him down last week and to prove it wasn’t a fluke we did it again this week. So far nothing dropped that we were really looking for but should only be a matter of time. My Friday group is still having problems mainly in that we need to focus on healing better and staying on top of things. With 7 people though we got it to 40% and I have a feeling we can do this with more practice. Today we are supposed to do arrapago remnants so maybe I can get lucky on the 35 body drop for morrigans.
Lets see been hitting campaign battles pretty hard. Capped out xp on both PLD and RDM and have gotten the last available rank up for campaign. Haven’t leveled DRK or BLM due to time issues, but I hope to fix this soon and at least solo some xp. Other than that I’d like to do a lot of assault missions for both ranking up and points. Once I feel I have a good point base built up then id like to dive into a Nyzul isle group. Good gear here but I never really see any form of advertisement for groups that are looking. I’ll keep asking around and see if I get lucky.
We did 2 omegas and then a couple of chip farming runs these last 2 weeks. Omega was being stingy and dropped 4 head pieces (nearly worthless with the walmart turbin available for more haste) and 1 body than I already had and others were passing on to stay in line for a better piece. The body ended up going to a newer guy in the shell and I’m happy for him as he could have been waiting a long time for something as he was at the bottom of the list for stuff.
Let’s see we did 2 windy runs, a glacier and a xarcabard. Glacier is the run I really like doing since it drops my RDM body I need. It still didn’t drop but judjing by the people lotting and the points posted I should be able to lot the next one that drops. We are going there again on Monday so I’m hopeful for some good news to report. The xarca run was good with 5 AF dropping including a RDM hat so grats to them as they had been waiting a long time for some of their members. Windurst runs were , well who cares I hate windy and don’t really care for the AF there anyways.
Both of my salvage groups have been after Long Bowed Chariot. My Tuesday group, which is much larger, was finally able to take him down last week and to prove it wasn’t a fluke we did it again this week. So far nothing dropped that we were really looking for but should only be a matter of time. My Friday group is still having problems mainly in that we need to focus on healing better and staying on top of things. With 7 people though we got it to 40% and I have a feeling we can do this with more practice. Today we are supposed to do arrapago remnants so maybe I can get lucky on the 35 body drop for morrigans.
Lets see been hitting campaign battles pretty hard. Capped out xp on both PLD and RDM and have gotten the last available rank up for campaign. Haven’t leveled DRK or BLM due to time issues, but I hope to fix this soon and at least solo some xp. Other than that I’d like to do a lot of assault missions for both ranking up and points. Once I feel I have a good point base built up then id like to dive into a Nyzul isle group. Good gear here but I never really see any form of advertisement for groups that are looking. I’ll keep asking around and see if I get lucky.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
April 23 2008
So I haven’t posted in ages huh? Yea not really had much of a chance to write up things at work lately so the BLOG has been left idle and not updated. However, this doesn’t mean I haven’t been logging into the game to get stuff done. Nope, I’m just as active as ever. Still doing Limbus with the same group of guys but most of the other events I do have changed up a bit.
Dynamis. Well you know from my last post that I was really struggling to find a decent dynamis shell that ran on times I could go. I left that shell as they just had to many flaws with strategy and leadership. I had considered applying to Moirai for a while since I knew they did 2 weekly runs (and not on the weekend). This is strangely enough the old Dyna shell that Zeit and Pus had left to join up with me in alttab a long time ago. So it felt odd applying to them but I really had no reason not to like them and they ran at good times for me. So I applied and joined up. Been going with them for a few month’s now and am pretty pleased with my decision to join up. They can win all the basic zones easy enough and have a much stronger core group of players than the last few shells I tried out. So I’m collecting points and waiting to lot my relic armor trying to get my last piece of RDM relic (body) and then lotting PLD stuff as its available. So far I have got 2 lot on PLD gloves and body but lost both... to the same person lol. At least for that stuff it doesn’t seem to be a long line as PLD drops a lot for these guys.
Limbus has been going very well. We have killed both Omega and Ultima a few times now and have very little problem in doing so. We have had 3 mages already get the Nashira legs myself being the most recent. This is one of those pieces every RDM wants and pushes my Enfeebling skill up to 334. Now I’m going to focus on the omega drops for my pld and the pieces are so good I have decided to go ahead and level up my DRK to use them with as well (level 42 at present) I got the body so far and pretty much every piece but the head is amazing so all in all Limbus is looking great.
One semi sad thing is my sea LS broke. I was somewhat frustrated with them since we seemed to really drag our feet on getting things done but we did get in some good fights and had killed some tier II. It would have been nice to get my cape and a justice sword but lack of participation finally done us in. I would like to find a new sea LS but this is proving rather difficult.
As for a new activity I am now doing Salvage 2 times a week. I run once with my limbus shell and once with spirit link. The drop rates here are horrendous but the armor is flat out the best in game. I am going for morrigans robe for my RDM and BLM (more on that later) and then after that whatever I may get. Will probably take a year or more for the Robe but it will more or less complete any gear I could want for RDM (not buyable anyways) and is an incredible asset to BLM as well.
I finally completed the ToAU missions. These were all relatively easy until the last one. Alexander was just being a pain for the random groups I kept going with. Mostly it was all timing out due to not enough damage. Not sure why the melee were having such problems but it was consistant and happened with all the different pick up shouts I joined. When I finally did get the win we had a ton of time left over and the Melee where dealing much faster and consistent damage. Got the magic accuracy ring that gives refresh in salvage and assulats. Its nice as a all purpose ring if I’m being lazy since the MACC is universally useful for a lot of spells and in salvage it’s incredible and makes assaults LOL worthy for RDM mp.
Other than that I had been leveling BLM up since I have so much mage gear already and its time I got more jobs to 75. Got blm to 58 but have put it on hold while trying to level up DRK. DRK has been somewhat hard to get parties with though so I may go back to BLM again and solo some more levels. Either way I guess you could consider both those jobs as my current projects in game.
I’ve still taken lots of pics in game so I’ll probably post a bunch in the near future.
Dynamis. Well you know from my last post that I was really struggling to find a decent dynamis shell that ran on times I could go. I left that shell as they just had to many flaws with strategy and leadership. I had considered applying to Moirai for a while since I knew they did 2 weekly runs (and not on the weekend). This is strangely enough the old Dyna shell that Zeit and Pus had left to join up with me in alttab a long time ago. So it felt odd applying to them but I really had no reason not to like them and they ran at good times for me. So I applied and joined up. Been going with them for a few month’s now and am pretty pleased with my decision to join up. They can win all the basic zones easy enough and have a much stronger core group of players than the last few shells I tried out. So I’m collecting points and waiting to lot my relic armor trying to get my last piece of RDM relic (body) and then lotting PLD stuff as its available. So far I have got 2 lot on PLD gloves and body but lost both... to the same person lol. At least for that stuff it doesn’t seem to be a long line as PLD drops a lot for these guys.
Limbus has been going very well. We have killed both Omega and Ultima a few times now and have very little problem in doing so. We have had 3 mages already get the Nashira legs myself being the most recent. This is one of those pieces every RDM wants and pushes my Enfeebling skill up to 334. Now I’m going to focus on the omega drops for my pld and the pieces are so good I have decided to go ahead and level up my DRK to use them with as well (level 42 at present) I got the body so far and pretty much every piece but the head is amazing so all in all Limbus is looking great.
One semi sad thing is my sea LS broke. I was somewhat frustrated with them since we seemed to really drag our feet on getting things done but we did get in some good fights and had killed some tier II. It would have been nice to get my cape and a justice sword but lack of participation finally done us in. I would like to find a new sea LS but this is proving rather difficult.
As for a new activity I am now doing Salvage 2 times a week. I run once with my limbus shell and once with spirit link. The drop rates here are horrendous but the armor is flat out the best in game. I am going for morrigans robe for my RDM and BLM (more on that later) and then after that whatever I may get. Will probably take a year or more for the Robe but it will more or less complete any gear I could want for RDM (not buyable anyways) and is an incredible asset to BLM as well.
I finally completed the ToAU missions. These were all relatively easy until the last one. Alexander was just being a pain for the random groups I kept going with. Mostly it was all timing out due to not enough damage. Not sure why the melee were having such problems but it was consistant and happened with all the different pick up shouts I joined. When I finally did get the win we had a ton of time left over and the Melee where dealing much faster and consistent damage. Got the magic accuracy ring that gives refresh in salvage and assulats. Its nice as a all purpose ring if I’m being lazy since the MACC is universally useful for a lot of spells and in salvage it’s incredible and makes assaults LOL worthy for RDM mp.
Other than that I had been leveling BLM up since I have so much mage gear already and its time I got more jobs to 75. Got blm to 58 but have put it on hold while trying to level up DRK. DRK has been somewhat hard to get parties with though so I may go back to BLM again and solo some more levels. Either way I guess you could consider both those jobs as my current projects in game.
I’ve still taken lots of pics in game so I’ll probably post a bunch in the near future.
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