So last week I mentioned how pathetically close I was to level 75 PLD. So Tuesday before Dynamis I did manage to get a party and Dinged 75 finally. It was nice knowing I had a second 75 now. The party was just ok and I was completely leeching since there was no way I was going to keep hate of the pimped out mnks we had and my damage was average at best. I would have done better but we were at bird camp so no food, and we didn’t have a brd so my attack stats were pretty low. Ended at 10k into my level so I was overall pleased with that after a short party.
Did Dynamis windy next. Unfortunately as I predicted last week it did not go well. It was in fact pretty damn terrible if you ask me. We wasted far too much time and way to many people didn’t bring reraise. And to top it off even after all the explaining and going over things someone still managed to agro the SMN house. Bah just wasn’t a lot of fun. We going to be doing it again tonight and unless things drastically improve I feel like we going to do it again next week. A PLD piece dropped but I’m not on main lot. However, each drop always means I’m one closer to mine.
Let’s see Wednesday what happened? Oh yes, we did sea again. And guess what? I got to go as PLD. I did not have a lot of time though so we just decided to kill a few yorva’s. I was the only Tank and since we had so few people we just did the small ones. I managed to even get an organ and I did a pretty good job tanking if I do say so myself. I’ll probably be PLD for them from now on since we have low turn out problems on their Wednesday runs. Wish I could make it on Saturdays when they do bigger things but I’m going to keep holding out for better Wednesday’s at least for a while longer.
Now we were supposed to attempt a PLD burn that night but it fell through. I was really looking forward to it but wasn’t shocked to hear we couldn’t get enough people together. So instead a merited a tiny bit on RDM. Got very close to having 5 merit points and ready to upgrade my last Ice accuracy for RDM.
Thursday was Limbus again. Another smooth run that netted me 4 coins. So that brought my total up to 25. I foresee me getting my nice new tabard very soon now. After limbus I went and xped PLD some more and got my buffer up to over 20k on it. Funny thing is that’s higher than I’ve ever had it on my RDM. Was never a huge fan of capping xping mainly because I wanted to dive straight into getting merits and getting into a party was never really a problem on RDM. With PLD tho I’d like to try and keep it high as the possibility of Death is far more likely at events.
Friday I merited a bit more and got up to 5 saved points. So I’m going to upgrade that last Ice accuracy and now start focusing on PLD merits. Want to unlock Chivalry first then go more combat oriented for messing around. Thinking of capping Sword, at 4/8 now, and then shield. After that I think I’ll move on to Crit merits and then I’ll see from there. Probably focus on Sentinel recast for sure and then I don’t know what.
That night we went and did some assaults. Still just a lowly PSC but hopefully one more set of runs should put me up a level. Also almost have enough points for a Chivalrous chain so that will be nice as well.
Had the weekend off as usual for the most part. Monday was another Limbus run. Got a lowly 3 coins so that puts me at 28, just 2 more to go!. After that I’m defiantly selling the coins for a while as I just don’t think I can keep up with the 60k a week expense along with other things. I really need to do some farming and KSNM again but I always seem to miss out when the LS goes. It’s like a running joke right now that I keep missing them.
Monday night I had an absolute blast. That PLD merit party that fell apart and never happened last Wednesday actually did happen Monday night. We went and xped in sky too making it trip down memory lane so to speak. XP was actually going really well clocking in at about 10k an hour. Not pad for all PLD and certainly not bad for a sky camp. I went /war while everyone else went /nin. Berserk plus Double attack though made me one hell of a DD. Busted out a few nice vorpals and one breaking 800 damage. I averaged about mid 500’s with a good handful going up to the 700’s. I hope we do this again soon, it was a ton of fun.
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