The fight is pretty straight forward and basic. Pop the Jalior and he has two pets. When the pets are alive he reflects all damage back. Since he doesn’t take much damage at all from melee weapons you basically just kite him around while taking out his friends. By the time we actually got to the fight we only had one tank as the others had to log. Still was really easy.
Only slight problem we had was the only real way to damage him was through magic. SO with only one BLM there and 2 rdm it was basically us three doing most the nuking. The other RDM didn’t seem to be nuking that much either but was more assisting with healing and keeping the tank up. I was doing this too until I realized people were just standing there and trying to figure out how to damage the guy. I threw out a bliz III and did 500ish damage and figured I should focus on nuking or else this would take forever. SO after maybe 10 minutes of nuking from me and the BLM he went down and only death was the blm died once after getting a bit too much hate from nuking.

No torque drop but did get the normal stuff.
After that, and seeing how few PLD’s the LS had, I dusted of my PLD gear and went and bought a sword to level it up again. Had a few things sell on the AH and got enough to buy a Macuahuitl +1. Nice enmity sword and something I can get away with in parties rather than dropping the gil on a Espadon +1. Damage difference is really just from WS since the Espadon is slower and at 70 I’ll be going with a company sword anyways so it’s only a miner inconvenience for me. Still need to get a shield torque and buy a herc ring for 66, then I’m fine till about 70. That will cost me about 80k. Also need a new shield at 69 that will set me back about 130k, or I can by the new level 58 wivre shield if it’s ever available but that will cost twice as much…ugh.

Anyways I bought the sword, put up my flag, and actually got a party pretty fast. I got about 12k in 2 hours so not horrendous. I’m at 15/26k so I should be able to ding 66 this weekend. Going to concentrate on farming and leveling PLD for the foreseeable future. Having another job 70+ will be nice and of course I can always use the gil. Also need to stop being lazy and go finish my PLD AF as that is useful for real tanking rather than the DD tanking I do in xp Parties. And of course still try and do some limbus.
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