
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm alive again!!

Well ok i was never dead but my connection to the game is back alive. After just over 4 months friday night I was finally able to log back into ffxi. Here is the short of how the problem was fixed.

It turns out my first suspicion that the problem was with my cable internet connection turned out to be correct. It just took some convincing to get the cable company to believe they had a problem. See my internet did in fact work. I could surf the net, had zero problems connecting and anytime the cable company ran a remote test the signal would be pinged back like everything was working and connected fine. So they said it had to be something else.

Now i more or less knew it had to be the connection. First I had no problems connecting before I moved out to my new house. Second FFXI wasn't the only thing I was having trouble with. I could no longer log into my work without getting kicked off after about 2 minutes, and any time i tried to watch a video on line (think you tube) it would only play about 15 seconds worth before it got stuck.

I finally convinced the cable company to come out to the house by showing them bills I had paid to take my PC and have tests done on it. In addition we also hooked up my PC at the store and it had zero problems so something had to be wrong with my home set up.

Long story short it was a few minor problems that all contributed. One, the tap where our neighborhood connected to the cable line had a few issues. Second I had a line splitter the previous owner had been using that was pretty damn old and distorting my signal somewhat. And last just to make sure they gave me a new modem since my speeds where clocking lower than it should be with cable modem (still faster than DSL but not by much).

Not sure what put me over the top of letting me connect as the tech believed they all caused the problem. Regardless everything is working fine now. So I’m back and ready for more.

Truth be told the layoff was probably a good thing for me. It let me get some things done in the real world and I am not as burned out on the game as I probably would have been if I had been playing this whole time.

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