
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Future plans

Been awhile since I posted, had the holidays and all plus been busy at work after missing a whole week.

Nothing tremendously important happened in game though. My dynamis shell recruited some more people again to help us take out Dynamis Lord. So we are redoing the cities to get people access there. Did sandy on Saturday and it was of course easy as hell like always. Very lagy considering we had 54 people there although I fully expect about 10 people to drop out after we beat Dynamis windy like they always do. Jonova got RDM boots so congrats to him on getting a good piece. RDM gear is starting to finally drop for us.

We have Dynamis Jeuno tonight and with Jonova spending a lot of points on feet and the other high point RDM’s holding points for hat I think I am going to main lot the legs. Plus 10 elemental skill on them will be a nice addition to my nuking setup and the point value is fairly low on them. By time we get back to Northlands I should have enough points to be able to at least lot against Jonova for the body, the other RDM’s will probably still hold off for the hat. When we do bastok I’ll probably just free lot the gloves since they aren’t that great anyways.

After Dynamis Sandy Saturday I went on my first Limbus run. We did Temenos West and won. I got the ruby silk thread for my af upgrade and 6 ancient beastcoins. Not a bad hall. I’ll probably still get my loquacious earring first (ugh 75 coins) before upgrading my tabard. Limbus was defiantly fun and a nice change. With our small number of 7 people we run this more like an xp party with actual skill chains and MB’s. We are trying to catch Hemdall up in COP so hopefully we can have another member soon.

Here is a pic of me and Janaka inside limbus. Not much to see but meh i was busy.

The problem for me now is getting enough gil to fund my Dynamis and Limbus runs. I decided to just start selling off my Dyna currency as I get it and that’s generally enough to fund my runs. I also did another ENM brothers but we got a craptastic Eltoro leather so no money really was made. Hopefully next week when we do it i'll get something good. I should probably try to start doing the ENM 40 one again for a shot at the woodsman ring for more gil. With only one day to do mission, xp, merit, and make gil my time feels limited.

We did go out and do 2 ugly pendants. Was the first time any of us had gone to kill the NM. Was a pretty fun fight really and no real danger of us wiping to it. A simple kite and nuke strategy and all it takes is time. Did one NQ and one HQ spawn and got the drop both times. Drops went to Pusarah and Zeitsev cause well they bought the knifes duh. We will go again as the rest of us find knifes. That was the problem with us not doing more, just couldn’t find any for sale.

After the pendant runs we did the snoll fight for Hemdall and set the record. But really whoever had the record before must have just been dragging their feet. It was over 9 minutes. I can only imagine them not going over strategy first or just down right being too nervous to start the fight to have that bad a time. We did it in just over 5 and took our sweet time as it is. We also did the 50 cap part in pso with all the dumb doors for hem so now he is more or less done with the long ass mission that is 5-2 COP as they had already done the mithra fight.

I have really started to make an effort to merit. After finally getting the Duelist chapeau it has really made me want to just pimp out all my skills. Almost got enfeebling capped now with 6/8 upgrades done. May have that finished next weekend as I try to squeeze in merit time. After that it’s on to mp upgrades to bolster my convert ratio. I think I also want to merit my convert timer and just forgo any wind accuracy merits. I know Gravity/Silence is important but most things are either down right resistant to silence or I can land it anyways with all my enfeebling skill. Gravity builds up resistance anyways so all those merits won’t help if it’s an extended battle. Mp on the other hand is always useful and getting back 1k plus mp every 8:20 is very appealing to me. Of course I’ll still merit ice accuracy because a good bind is very nice and it helps with my Blizzard III resist rates. I think all told I still need about 70 more merit points to be done with my RDM. Not bad but still a lot of work. Needless to say because of this i have but leveling PLD on the back burner.

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