So Tuesday was Dynamis Xarcabard for the first time with all the new recruits. Went very well and in fact had 2 hours left after kill the 15 NM’s. HPG had said before hand he didn’t want to try winning the zone until Saturday so this left us with a huge amount of farming time. More so than we are used to. Had to make a lot more pulls than normal here but all in al not a bad expierence. Not much af dropped, only 2, but we did get 3 100 bills so not a bad run really. With as many people as we have now and all the experience of the shell you could really just feel the anticipation of going to kill Dynamis Lord. No one has much of a doubt that we will kill him and get the win.
Friday was kind of a weird day for me. I get on and for whatever reason everyone in the ls was leveling a low level job. So I thought, why not do that myself for a nice change of pace? So after talking like 45 minutes to get gear of my mule I decided on leveling my 20 thf. Was kind of fun and a nice change. Only got to level 21 but that was because coming across a party was tough. The low levels are a very barren place. I’ll probably go back and get to level 25 one day for flee but I don’t have a real desire to take it to 75 anytime soon if at all. I would maybe like to take up Sam though once I get the gil to really level the job. If I am going to level a melee job may as well do it with the best gear I can so I can enjoy it. Once I have the gil to afford Okotes and Hauby I’ll probably take a serious look into it.
Saturday was of course Dynamis and Limbus Day. Man have I been looking forward to killing Dynamis lord. Only 2 NA ls on the entire server have beaten him so to join those ranks and get what has got to be one of the rarest titles in the game was definitely something to be excited about. SO we go at the zone with our usual efficiency and lay waste to the NM’s again with 2 hours left to kill Dynamis Lord. So after killing all the dragons and then taking down Ying and Yang HPG went about telling the Strategy and assigning what jobs people should change into.
It was a no brainer I was going to go as RDM/DRK, since well it’s the only thing I have leveled that would contribute. So I go and change then join the RDM/DRK chainspell stun party. With the alliances set and everyone fully briefed, Alie makes the pull and we go to work.

Or at least most of the LS did. I on the other hand almost lagged completely out and it took me a good 15 seconds to get chainspell to activate. I was on the first stunning team too meaning it was important I got started and fast. Good thing my stunning partner didn’t seem to have the lag problem I did as he did fine stunning it solo. After my lag spike ended and I joined in the fray it was easy to tell we were going to win. Dynamis lords HP bar was falling soooo fast it was incredible. It took less than a minute to kill and we had Zero Deaths. He must have got off 1 AOE attack as I ended the battle with 660 hp so something must of hit me but it obviously made little difference this time with the shear amount of DD we had going.
So I got the key item and the Title from xarcabard. I would certainly call that a good day. As far as AF goes, we only got 1. However, it was a pair of Assasins armlets making it our 5th pair in the ls. That’s a lot of people with TH4. Dynamis Lord only Dropped a 100 piece but to be fair to our thf’s most had changed into DD jobs for the fight.

Onto limbus now. We did Appolyon NE again since we have been getting a lot of coins there. Went pretty well and unfortunately just like last time I had to leave early. I hate my schedule sometimes. Still I managed to stay all the way up until the last floor so it was not much of an issue with me needing to go. All said and done I got another 8 coins, bringing me up to 26 in total now, and I got the second item for my AF upgrade. So while I am tempted to just go ahead and upgrade my tabard I think I’ll put it off for the earring just incase something happens in the future to make getting coins harder such as my ever horrid playing time. At the current rate though it will be about 6 more weeks for my earring. Not bad and at least unlike relic gear you can see a progression towards the goal each run.
Sunday was all about merits. No plans had been made for the LS other than a cop 2-5 run that not everyone was on for so it got cancelled anyways. So I decided to merit, and merit, and merit some more. All told I got 7 mertis on Sunday in 2 parties. The first party was rather lack luster with a notoriously bad bard in the group that made things harder than they needed to be along with some very average DD. I think I got 2 merits in this party… maybe. The second party however was fantastic. We had a very good nin and mnk that just tore through things along with 2 sams that were able to throw out tons of WS. The bard was also above average able to keep the pulls coming and keep double ballad on me about 85% of the time.
In this second party we were consistently hitting chains in the 20’s only to be stopped by other parties and just barley. Then we got into a good rhythm. There was still 2 other parties there but we just got into a zone. Hit chain 106 before finally not being able to get a mob in time. Was hella fun going at that fast a pace. One of the sams in the group was actually level 73 and dinged 74 somewhere around chain 60. If all my parties were that good I would be finished meriting already. Oh well all said and done I manage to upgrade MP 2 more times to get it at level 3 and I have 3 more merits ready for my next upgrade. Finally getting some nice mp totals and with all the partying I did I have the IS to get a walhara turban to add to my convert macro. I think I will be sitting at 1050/980 convert ratio now.