Nothing too big happened Friday. Well at least not too me. My Cop static fought the NM’s for 7-4 in preparation for the tenzen fight. Unfortunately I had to log before we got to tenzen but the other 6 members went a head and did the fight. They won and got sea and it was a great night for them. I was able to log in a little later right after they got sea and congratulate them. My turn would be the next day so I wasn’t really disappointed I only wish I could have shared the experience with them when they got it.
So anyways after logging back in that night I decided to go give Wolfman a try again for my gorget. Vartan offered to come out and help (and bring me more Goblin Drinks) so I told him to come on. On the third spawn he finally dropped my gorget so now I get to go back to leveling PLD again. YAY! I have really been enjoying PLD even more than I thought I would.
This is the day all the stars aligned for my character. If you read my last entry you know this was Dynamis Xarcabard day. Can you guess where I am going with this? That’s right, after 8 month’s in my shell and who knows how many Xarcabard runs the Duelist chapeau dropped and I lotted a 713 beating out Clownfyre. I couldn’t stop shaking for like the next 30 minutes. I can’t begin to describe how great it felt to obtain this. This is an item that all RDM dream about from the day they hear about it. Hell, even jobs that aren’t RDM know how extremely good this piece of gear is. It turns a so-so RDM into a good one, and I like to think I was good before I ever got it.

I didn’t get much chance to play around with it much after dynamis because my COP static got together to do my Tenzen fight so I could join them in sea. Ss we go at tenzen again and it was just laughable. Not counting my cut scene the fight took 45 seconds… we could easily have set the record if I had just speed through the cs. So on the same day I got a Duelist chapeau and sea access. Simply incredible.
We also went ahead and got the map for sea and finished up 8-1 so now we all have our Tavnazian ring as well. This is really nice considering Bastok has yet to own Tavnazia so I can’t get the outpost warp there. So like I said, this was a really great day.
When I logged on Sunday Zeitsev sent a tell wanting to know if I would do Bionic bug so of course I said yes. SO me Zeit, Pusarah, and Hemdall all went to farm the stones in Movapolis. This is where I got to see a brief glance of my Hat in action. Most of these mobs are DC to 75. Hemdall, who was on brd, would pull them with elegy and I would bind them. Bind was simply stated amazing for me now on DC’s. My one cast of bind several times lasted through 4 tier IV magic blast and another 3 tier III blast from me. It was ridiculous that all that damage couldn’t break the bind effect. This wasn’t a one time thing either, it happen about 90% of the time I would say. So I was very much pleased with that.
After about 2 hours of farming we had a stone for everyone to enter and went into the mine shaft. Bionic bug is pretty easy really. Could get away doing it with just a RDM and BLM I believe. But since we like doing things as a LS anyways and do lots of these things its no big deal splitting the gil up and having more people come along to get the xp too. Drops weren’t all that great. Got an eltoro leather and a martial knife. About 370k total so it’s another 92.5k in my pocket.
After this the LS had scheduled a swift belt run. Unfortunaly Zeit ran into a problem with his connection and couldn’t get on. He called POL and was trying to fix things but that wasn’t going to well apperantly. WE waiting around for about an hour and a half but Zeit wasn’t able to make it back on. So the 4 of us who were gathered already, Me Marlow Hemdall and Keeva, decided to go merit some.
I was glad for the chance to merit since now that I have my hat I really feel like maxing everything out so I can as good as I can. WE did good with just the 4 of us in the mire and I know Marlow was thankful to be doing it on BLM. In fact in a 4 man I think blm can be a huge bonus as basically with our setup of NIN BRD RDM and BLM we would let Keeva melee a imp down to 50% and then Me and Marlow would nuke it to death making for some very quick kills. It also helped with the times we had to pull jnun as those things have a lot more HP to take care of.
Oh and for the record 8 mp a tic refresh now felt like cheating. I converted 3 times in about 2 hours of partying and this was with me doing a decent amount of nuking which I almost never do in merit parties. We even asked Vartan come help kill making me have to cure more and adding in another haste and it still didn’t put much of a dent into my mp reserve. Oh and enfeebles were kind of hard to notice much on as these things are already easy to land stuff on and in general I only need to cast Dia as they die to fast. Maybe next time I’ll experiment a bit more.
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