
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

6/18 through 6/24

Thursday - The LS went on its first ZNM run. We did a Iriz Ima that was kind enough to give full drops. I got the avocat pigaches and the sword went freelot. Did I think 2 chigre one of which dropped that nice +5 acc ring. Did one of that Mamool (forget the name) and he dropped a naglering which I won in a freelot. Also did the colibri but it didn't give us anything that I can recall. ZNM's are going to be brought into the regular rotation now and this should be a fun event for us.

Friday - Salvage we did SSR. Got a 35 marduk piece and some actual needed drops form the boss this time. Didn't do much the rest of the day.

Monday - Did some zeni pic taking as well as xp BLM since the pic of the day was Flans. Einherjar that night with a near win just timed out on the boss. Total ampoules up to just over 13k. new item should be mine in about 2 weeks.

Tuesday - This was a KSNM day. Did 10 of the 99KS behemoth. Got 1 tongue (grats aki on your new belt!), 2 kreigsbiel, and then some hides and the rest crap. I didn't have an orb as I didn't have enough seals and also I'd rather save them for a Royal Ramble run.

Wednesday - First up was Limbus. We did Ultima again today. I was to co-tank again today with diz but we get there and he forgot the soap. So I solo tanked it. Went fine too. Managed to live until 20 percent (right before CB phase) until I died to an unfortunate stun move and had shadows down. LS persevered with out a tank and got it to 15% at which point I unweakend. Went back to tanking and lived through my CB's. Ultima died and we got 2 more leg drops. Grats to aki (damn you greedy taru!) and rainweaver. Salvage was that night. Did SSR and once again we got no morrigan leg drops. It's really getting out of hand on those. We did get another ares legs 35 though. So at least it wasn't a total waste.

Other- DING 75 BLM! Worked pretty hard to hit 75 before the KSNM 99's we went to on Tuesday. Managed to just barley make it and had about a 1.5k buffer. So I got to join our army of blm (had 10 there) and blow stuff up. Died a few times and thanks to getting R3 from rain I stayed 75 and ended the night with a buffer of around 300. Xp'd a bit yesterday to move buffer up to 4.5k and I'll be meriting blm a ton. Already unlocked Freeze2, Burst2, and have 1 each in Ice and thunder potency.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

6-11 through 6-17

Thursdays - Sky trig farming. Nothing much to say. We went, we killed, we got the trigs. Did ENM after. Got a mantle drop which after splitting came to only about 30k

Friday - Salvage run was same old crap. No NM's dropped anything. Did a Cloud evoker and we somehow managed to time out. I don't like how the LS does this fight but I've Mentioned it before. However, the way they do it will work just need a couple more BLM's and we will be fine.

Monday - Einherjar. Man we need more people. Just not enough firepower and healing to do this on any consistent basis. Another loss, although it wasn't that bad. Got another 1040 Ampoules taking me up to about 11k.

Tuesday - Lets see we did 8-1 and 8-2 for ZBN as well as a JoT. That was pretty much the whole time since I swear 8-2 is stupid long to do and of course the fight with JoT took some time as well. We still have a lot of pops for other Jailors ready to go so next week we probably going to hit those up. Having ZBN with full sea now though is a great help as he has WHM and we sorely need those.

Wednesday - Limbus we did Kings zone. You know the LS sometimes is really good at things and sometimes we are just middle of the road. I don't know if people just don't care or what but our limbus runs are always more trouble than they should be. We won of course but man I was getting a little pissed off with how the run went. Anyway after was salvage and we did frog zone. Got 2 35 drops, marduck body and head. Hope we do SSR again soon so I can see my legs not drop again.

Other. - Ding BLM to 73. Need to just finish this and move on to making gil to pimp it out. SE announced game updates for late July. Part of this will be releasing the long awaited Campaign bodies. I had used up most of my stockpile of allied notes so I started hitting campaign again to rebuild. For some reason I think the bodies are going to be really good and I may end up needing to buy all three which will be very costly. Also my RDM buffer had got down to around 27k so doing campaign has helped rebuild my xp there as well. Did 2ENM, 2 ISNM, a ANNM and didn't get crap other than the mantle I spoke of earlier. So yea still need some money and that's going to be my main focus soon.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lots to get to so I'm going to just dive in.


Did a Seiryu and a Kirin last week. Had 2 Kirin's planned but another LS was there and took forever to kill their 2 pops. Seiryu gave us his Kote and w.hands which went to Lyeia and Rain respectively. Kirin gave us an Osode (Baskim) and a D.Body (Garrix). Grats to all the winners. Starting this week Sky will just be once a day as we now are moving into doing more Sea.


So we had our first Sea Jailor run today as an LS. We had several old pop sets to use which is why we went straight to killing Jailors. Took down Faith, Fortitude, and Justice. Justice even blessed us with his torque. Grats bong on your new shiny neck piece. Managed to snag myself the Justice sword that I been wanting for ages. Yay for duel wielding multi hit swords. Want to go merit on PLD just to see how I do. We also fought a Hope but that went wrong somehow that I'm not even sure. Well, we did have 1 of only 2 whm's there DC as well as 1 or 2 melee so I think we just ran out of power once it got down a bit. Oh well.


So we did Ultima this week. I got to tank along with Ryoru. First 80% was pretty smooth, Ryoru died a couple times but I tanked fine solo while he was recovering. The last 20% though we need to work on as an LS. People need to pay a bit more attention to CB and who has hate. Had a near wipe as the guy with hate one time ran close to the alliance. However, after many tense moments with only a handful of people unweak (I died 2 times to stupid stuff not even CB) we managed to pull it together and get the win. Got legs (grats Jye!) and I think the other was head (Mitzury). Doing again next week so it should go much smoother I would think.


Did same zone as last time. Got shit mobs and had a pretty low turnout if you ask me. Going to start recruiting for the shell I believe so we can get these done more efficiently. Got some more points and hopefully just a few weeks and I can get an ampoule item.


Nothing much for Fridays run to say. Yesterday we did a BR run and once again no rampart NM popped. Killed the mega and got the 25 to complete Bongs usu legs as well as skadi feet I believe that went to Jaera maybe? I'll check later.


Didn't really xp BLM this past week. Its still 72. Gardening I actually got some ores this time. ENM I didn't do and my ISNM run I went with random people that honestly sucked so bad that after 3 runs (with a lose in there wtf!!) we had a guy leave and we called it off. Still got my orders to pop with too so hopefully knock that out today. Also, we did B1 about a week and a half ago so Monday a few of us climbed the Promy's to get our silvers. Tuesday went and did Apoc Nigh and now just need to grab my earring if I can just pick on I want. None are really all that great but happy to finally be done with those missions.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Updates now 3% faster

Not sure if I will start doing weekly updates again (haven't done that since 2006!) but there is so much going on in game I thought I would post again to help keep track of everything.


Been killing gods the last few runs. We had a lot of pops to burn through and we probably did at least 2 of each since the last update. Got one pair of kitty pants to drop so that was good. Nothing else too amazing really and I'm still probably far down the line to getting some w. legs. Nothing else in sky I really care for although I would like some zenith gear just to use for blm sorc ring latent and maybe one piece for RDM verts. So maybe just the legs really and I'm good to go.


Starting to do this once a week. Did a wing 2 one this past Monday that I can't remember. Had a horrendous start and timed out though. Oh well. Still, I got about 10k ampoules so hopefully soon I can buy some of that stuff. I really want the Morgan's choker, the ritter Gorget, and both capes that give +5 int and mnd. So that's 75k ampoules to get in total. Going to be awhile.


Did another omega this week. Easy win again and we got some great drops. Hands Feet and Body fell to us and as luck would have it I was the only main feet lot that made it this week so now I am finally 5/5 on Homam. The feet are very nice with lots of MP/HP, 3% haste, and 6 accuracy. I now have 18% haste gear to use on PLD and DRK which is very good. Next week we doing an Ultima and of course I love that fight. However, apparently MPTB has not had much success doing this fight. Not sure why as the LS is very good and kills most everything we do with no issue, many being harder than Ultima. Probably just a startegy issue and I can help with that since I've won this numerous times. I will be tanking it too so if that's been an issue at least now they have someone who has done it before and has gear for citadel buster. Other than CB and stunning dissipation the fight is pretty straight forward, I need to talk to them and see what the problem is.


No new 35's dropped that I can recall. Did manage to finish of some pieces for Tengalen and Blaine. Grats to them. Going to be hitting up MB's a lot over the next few weeks as we have about 9 sets that just need the 25 from boss fight. Not much else to say really except did another SSR and once again no morrigan legs drop.


So blm is up to 72 now. Finally get to put on some different gear and wear my old errant stuff. Hope to hit 75 soon but I been a little hesitant to level as I still need to buy some things for my blm that will set me back a huge amount of gil that I just don't have atm. Going to start doing ISNM once a week as well as ANNM and ENM. Gardening is week2 right now so no harvest to speak of. And last but not least Bongripper finally got his Maat's cap after many long hours of xping. Grats to the little galka.