
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

June Update

Time for a progress report.

So as far as big news is concerned right after I got the 35 drop for morrigans body the very next Tuesday my group did LBC and we got the 25 piece! SO yes I now have 3/3 and just need some funds to finish up this piece. This has but leveling DRK and BLM on hold as well as leading to me farming, bcnm, ksnm, enm, and anything else I can think of to make the Gil to finish the upgrade. I can’t believe how close I am to having this now. Got a few ingots resting a mule now and I am pretty much having a fire sale on anything I don’t need for PLD and RDM. All told if everything sells and with what I have bought already I should be able to have about 9/12 ingots. Man I am dyeing to put this robe on!

On another lucky note the mog bonanza just ended. Odds of winning of course were pretty damn small and most people expected to get maybe a rank 5 win. A few ls members got a rank 4 win getting them a bit of Gil. In what I can only call now as my current lucky streak (morrigans 35 and 25, nashira legs, duelist tabard all recently) I managed to pull in a rank 3 prize! I chose to get a Hauteclare for my PLD. This sword looks really nice and has nice functional use too. I have yet to actually use it as I just got it this morning but I am excited to see how it fares. It was tempting to take the Gil prize of 1 million just to buy more ingots but the sword is a pretty rare drop off a HNM I never fight anyways so figured it was worth taking.

Limbus has been rolling along as usual. We stopped doing some boss runs for a bit while everyone’s been taking vacations here and there. I did get 75 coins and was going to buy a brutal but when I got the robe pieces just sold them off for more Gil to buy ingots. Been doing that with each runs coins so at the moment just biding my time until another omega run.

Dynamis I have decided to call an end to. I used to love doing dynamis back when I first started. It was new and a large scale event you rarely have in game. I was a main member of an LS doing most of the pulling and able to do lots of different things with my RDM. I had hopes of getting some really rare armor for RDM and it was the only real endgame event I was part of for a long time. Now however its been over 3 years total and I have gotten the RDM armor I had once dreamed of and with my new shell don’t have as much responsibility and therefore the fun has gone out of it for me. I thought I would try and stick it out for the PLD relic but its not that great and though I like PLD a lot it’s just not the same joy for me. I will always remember fondly my times with Alttab and even before that when they were called speedo. The time that Boentiful pulled me aside and asked me to be main puller was a real honor at the time especially since I was so new to the shell. It was with them that I got my Duelist’s Chapeu and will always be greatful of them for that. I was there with them when they got their very first Dynamis Lord Kill and when we completely failed at doing COP zones. I dnot think I’ll ever go back to dynamis unless it was to upgrade a relic weapon and of course that is completely beyond me for the forseeable future. SO this chapter is closed but I’ll never forget the fun I had.

Salvage of course I am still really into. Going three times a week now all with different groups. Keeva and Bongripper are in both the Wednesday and Friday runs so we do have a good group working on those days. My Tuesday group continues to be very effective especially in regards to beating LBC. Killed him again last night and got another 25 morrigans body and the 25 marduck hands. Funny thing is our leader has been needing the 25 Ares drop for a long while now and after 6 kills it has yet to drop for us. For my next upgrade I think I will be going after the morrigans feet but I am not entirely sure yet. 10 mnd in the feet slot is a huge improvement over any other mnd feet in the game. It’s not even close really. However, the hands also look nice and I could use them as well especially on BLM whenever I finish it up.

Not much else to say other than we had that update last month. Some intersting new items were added but nothing I’ll be looking to get right away I don’t think. PLD’s new spell reprisal is interesting. It can really boost block rates and I’ve played around with it a bit to see it’s a noticeable improvement. Recast is long but of course in party with haste gear, haste spell, and march’s you can get it down a good amount. Speaking of haste I finally got a swiftbelt. Along with aiding my PLD tanking skills and my upcomming drk, I can hit a pretty decent haste number on RDM now. In fact between haste gear, haste spell, and fast cast stuff my recast timers on some spells is really low.

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