SAM up to 70 now. Only 5 more levels left but man my gear sucks for SAM. Its the first job since i Leveld RDM that i have no good gear waiting on me for the high levels. I mean i got a brutal earring i guess but thats it. 70 i really look gimp since I dont have a O hat and the only thing to use really is a Siphari Turban and, if there is ever one on the AH, the JSE head. The rest of my stuff is ok and I can upgrade to dusk at 72 but still its kinda bleh. Oh well it was meant to be leveled for fun anyways and i'll still probably merit on DRG.
Lets see did a few small things this past week nothing major and no new drops to talk about. I did join up with a Friday Einherjar group and they seem pretty good. Beat a t2 with ease and I got about 10k ampoules so a few more weeks and I can get another item. Not sure which to get though. WIll either be a Morgana Choker for my sorc ring set /MP build or the melee one, Iota ring. This would be more DEX anyways for penta/drakesbane.
There is more going on but nothing i want to get into right now. Got another Tinin set for tonight and maybe I can get the guys to squeeze in a Wulrugu for a shot at the ACC and ATT +8 head for SAM.
Welcome to my ffxi blog. Hope you enjoy your stay. I try and post at least once a month, sometimes more. I blog mainly about what I been up to and what my goals are in game. It's a nice way to keep me on track and show how I have progressed.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Lots to do Still
I had planned on making a nice big year in review type post but just didnt have time. It was a good 2009 and this BLOG saw more post from me than any previous year. Shit got done, things happened and now life goes on. There that's the review you get stuck with now.
On to recent events. So mostly we had a dry couple of weeks with the holidays. Did do a few dyna zones but just doing cities so its all kinda meh and i been having to afk through half the run with my baby. The LS has decided to move on from sky more or less now. YAY. Was hoping for this in the last post and now we going to do it very sparingly. This week we started ZNM's back up and we are going to push a few more people through COP to have more available to help us out in sea which will be something we focus alot more attention on. We got 5 more people up to 4-3 now so few more weeks then its SEA time.
Been leveling SAM when I can and it sits at 67 right now. Finally got a good GK WS to use. Tachi: Yuki and Geko are decent enough to let me play around with soboro and keep it skilled up without as big a drop off switching from polearm. If doing anything but birds, like we mixed in some date eruca's in last party, then the GK does better for me but only because of all the ws spamming. I have a feeling though that i'll be using mostly polearm espically since a hagun is not too high on my list right now and i need a much better str build for GK. Not to mention getting a good penta build for sam is just easier for me to get. I was excited to start SAM because of the Soboro but find that the days it was good for are long gone. Still a fun toy to have but polearm is just too good not to use in most parties.
Things I'm working on:
75 SAM
Hissho Hachimaki
SAM AF (meh i need to start this)
Snow Gorget
Justice Torque
Fortitude Torque
Yigit Feet
Rebuy Dusk Gear
208 Merits (bleh and thats not counting my SAM when it hits 75)
and as always GIL
On to recent events. So mostly we had a dry couple of weeks with the holidays. Did do a few dyna zones but just doing cities so its all kinda meh and i been having to afk through half the run with my baby. The LS has decided to move on from sky more or less now. YAY. Was hoping for this in the last post and now we going to do it very sparingly. This week we started ZNM's back up and we are going to push a few more people through COP to have more available to help us out in sea which will be something we focus alot more attention on. We got 5 more people up to 4-3 now so few more weeks then its SEA time.
Been leveling SAM when I can and it sits at 67 right now. Finally got a good GK WS to use. Tachi: Yuki and Geko are decent enough to let me play around with soboro and keep it skilled up without as big a drop off switching from polearm. If doing anything but birds, like we mixed in some date eruca's in last party, then the GK does better for me but only because of all the ws spamming. I have a feeling though that i'll be using mostly polearm espically since a hagun is not too high on my list right now and i need a much better str build for GK. Not to mention getting a good penta build for sam is just easier for me to get. I was excited to start SAM because of the Soboro but find that the days it was good for are long gone. Still a fun toy to have but polearm is just too good not to use in most parties.
Things I'm working on:
75 SAM
Hissho Hachimaki
SAM AF (meh i need to start this)
Snow Gorget
Justice Torque
Fortitude Torque
Yigit Feet
Rebuy Dusk Gear
208 Merits (bleh and thats not counting my SAM when it hits 75)
and as always GIL
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another week and Another Job to Level
I had planed on doing this update tomorrow after trying to get a few more things done this evening but with the holidays and things coming up I might not get the chance.
Lets see this week in review.. what did I do again? There was that dyan thinga-ma-bob were we went to windy and got like crap drops. No idea on the final currency count but we did get at least 1 100 bill. Also don't remember what AF dropped. Damn im not sure I was paying attention at all in dyna.
We done some light sky trig farming and got most every trig again. I really hope we switch up to doing sea again soon. Soo much we need from there as an LS plus its been awhile. I also need to get on finishing a WS gorget. Not sure which to do as I have need for DRK drg and Finally..
SAM!! Yup, after all this time I finally got to leveling the job. It sits at 47 right now and I should make 50 I would think if I can get any kind of decent xp party in the next 2 days. Its been costly already with me dropping about a mil on it already but its been a lot of fun to play too. Just 3 more levels till I get to break out my Soboro and of course I already have pole arm leveled from DRG so I'm pretty much set till 75. A few more big purchases to make on the job, mostly str gear and a Hagun, but that's a bit away and hopefully ENM's start being nice to me soon. That or the manteels we get from B2 start selling again. I also have built up a few more seals to go do some KSNM and BSNM again so lets hope that pans out.
That said it may be a few weeks before another update. We basically have two weeks of free events because of the holiday's and I'll log in far less anyways with all the commitments I need to make. I would like to try and squeeze in the ASA final mission and of course keep leveling SAM up.
Lets see this week in review.. what did I do again? There was that dyan thinga-ma-bob were we went to windy and got like crap drops. No idea on the final currency count but we did get at least 1 100 bill. Also don't remember what AF dropped. Damn im not sure I was paying attention at all in dyna.
We done some light sky trig farming and got most every trig again. I really hope we switch up to doing sea again soon. Soo much we need from there as an LS plus its been awhile. I also need to get on finishing a WS gorget. Not sure which to do as I have need for DRK drg and Finally..
SAM!! Yup, after all this time I finally got to leveling the job. It sits at 47 right now and I should make 50 I would think if I can get any kind of decent xp party in the next 2 days. Its been costly already with me dropping about a mil on it already but its been a lot of fun to play too. Just 3 more levels till I get to break out my Soboro and of course I already have pole arm leveled from DRG so I'm pretty much set till 75. A few more big purchases to make on the job, mostly str gear and a Hagun, but that's a bit away and hopefully ENM's start being nice to me soon. That or the manteels we get from B2 start selling again. I also have built up a few more seals to go do some KSNM and BSNM again so lets hope that pans out.
That said it may be a few weeks before another update. We basically have two weeks of free events because of the holiday's and I'll log in far less anyways with all the commitments I need to make. I would like to try and squeeze in the ASA final mission and of course keep leveling SAM up.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Where my SAM gear at???
Its been one of those weeks that I know I did a lot of stuff but nothing really sticks out. Did the usual ENM's and whatnot with no drops. Did a few B2's again with nothing worth noting dropping again. We have done a good bit of sky lately but last night was to be the last for a good while. Did 3 kirins yesterday and got 2 Osode, Nbody, and a D body. Most the other gods we did just dropped free lot crap. And I think that about covers this past weeks events.
Well almost anyways. MPTB has decided to do Dynamis once a week now. This is going to be mostly a money grab for some people with just a few actually needing any relic. We are dividing all profits up between members so at least everyone gets something for going. We went with 21 people and walked away with around 100k each. I still get bored somewhat with dynamis but doing it with my LS won't be so bad. Plus I really could use some Relic for my DRG I guess. The northlands pieces seem nice anyways for it.
Beyond that I merited Angon on my DRG to at least have it for events in the rare case they need me on the job. I also got enough money to probably level SAm up to at least 50 now. However, there has been almost no gear on the AH for me to buy. Just on standby waiting for OKotes to pop up and a decent weapon. Would like to start this soon as I been waiting forever to level the job. Keeping my fingers crossed and hitting refresh on
Well almost anyways. MPTB has decided to do Dynamis once a week now. This is going to be mostly a money grab for some people with just a few actually needing any relic. We are dividing all profits up between members so at least everyone gets something for going. We went with 21 people and walked away with around 100k each. I still get bored somewhat with dynamis but doing it with my LS won't be so bad. Plus I really could use some Relic for my DRG I guess. The northlands pieces seem nice anyways for it.
Beyond that I merited Angon on my DRG to at least have it for events in the rare case they need me on the job. I also got enough money to probably level SAm up to at least 50 now. However, there has been almost no gear on the AH for me to buy. Just on standby waiting for OKotes to pop up and a decent weapon. Would like to start this soon as I been waiting forever to level the job. Keeping my fingers crossed and hitting refresh on
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Lots of Merits
Finally finished up my INT merits. You know it wasn't as bad to do as I thought it would be. I been putting off meriting attributes for a long time since they are so costly but once I set my mind to just get it done, it didn't seem so bad. I believe in total now I have spent around 323 merit points. Sadly though I have a long way to go. DRG I haven't even touched yet and both PLD and DRk still have a decent ways to go still. All told I really need another 158 just to be done with the jobs I have at 75. At least I have DRG now to merit with. It's my go to job for merits now as people seem to fall all over themselves to get DRG in bird parties. This is fine with me though I'd rather DD then have to go dress up RDM to get merit points.
As far as other stuff goes I did pick up a few trinkets from sky. I got some N:hands and A:head. The head is nice as I can use it to replace some other gear in my sorc ring latent set. Should actually save me some gil too and free up an inventory slot to boot.
Other than that we did do some more fay weapon fights. I got a slightly better lance and im just going to stick with that for now. Pro tip for those doing this. We had 2 DRG's in the party rotating Angon on the boss (Grauberg fight) and it was waaaaay easier than any other time I've done it. We won in less than 15 minutes while other groups I went with that had some pimped out relic weapon thf and adaberk drks nearly timed out. Meanwhile right after my group got done owning this fight 3 times in a row another group came and wiped back to back times. I got a good laugh anyways.
Only other thing I can think of that I did was some ENM's. Doing brothers on Tuesday's with diz now and we got crap items. Thursday's we still do sheep and once again got crap. That's the breaks. We do still have as an LS 4 more evokers to pop which we are going to do some of tonight along with a few B2 fights. Hope bahamut gives up his scythe tonight id like to play around with it a bit and I believe I'm next up on the drop list too.
As far as other stuff goes I did pick up a few trinkets from sky. I got some N:hands and A:head. The head is nice as I can use it to replace some other gear in my sorc ring latent set. Should actually save me some gil too and free up an inventory slot to boot.

Other than that we did do some more fay weapon fights. I got a slightly better lance and im just going to stick with that for now. Pro tip for those doing this. We had 2 DRG's in the party rotating Angon on the boss (Grauberg fight) and it was waaaaay easier than any other time I've done it. We won in less than 15 minutes while other groups I went with that had some pimped out relic weapon thf and adaberk drks nearly timed out. Meanwhile right after my group got done owning this fight 3 times in a row another group came and wiped back to back times. I got a good laugh anyways.
Only other thing I can think of that I did was some ENM's. Doing brothers on Tuesday's with diz now and we got crap items. Thursday's we still do sheep and once again got crap. That's the breaks. We do still have as an LS 4 more evokers to pop which we are going to do some of tonight along with a few B2 fights. Hope bahamut gives up his scythe tonight id like to play around with it a bit and I believe I'm next up on the drop list too.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sorc Ring Finally
Been a few weeks since an update but what do you expect with the holdiays and being away a bunch. I've missed some events and i've made it to some events.
Did some more B2 runs but got utter crap. ENM's have yeilded zero good drops. Salvage has still not dropped my legs causing me to become so frustrated with the event i'm just not going to do it for a long time. SO yea pretty typical stuff for FFXI, lots of wasted time.
I did get a few things done though. DRG hit 75 probably the day after my last post a few weeks ago. I did manage to get Drakesbane weapon and then the quest done and unlocked. I got in a few fay weapon fights but nothing to steller as far as augments go. Got a thal-1 right now with 3 dmg and 2 Dex. I've merited a good amount and now have 4/5 int merits done and need just 5 more merit points to finish it out.
Also, the other thing I had been working on was getting a sorc ring and then a set of gear to trigger the latent. Managed to finally do that and i'm more or less broke. I got about 100k on me and another 500k tied up on the AH so i can get by for a bit but need to make some gil. I did go out and Nuke a pudding to see what damage I could do. Got 2330 on Freeze 2 and that was before my last couple of INT merits. Since it doesn't look like i'm going to finish my Morrigans set now the only thing left for me to do on BLM is get that last INT merit, try and find people to assualt for some yigit feet, and then a Novio. Funny thing is i'll probably get a Novio before i get the yigit since noone does assualt much anymore excpet for salvage points and they all do RvB.
Did some more B2 runs but got utter crap. ENM's have yeilded zero good drops. Salvage has still not dropped my legs causing me to become so frustrated with the event i'm just not going to do it for a long time. SO yea pretty typical stuff for FFXI, lots of wasted time.
I did get a few things done though. DRG hit 75 probably the day after my last post a few weeks ago. I did manage to get Drakesbane weapon and then the quest done and unlocked. I got in a few fay weapon fights but nothing to steller as far as augments go. Got a thal-1 right now with 3 dmg and 2 Dex. I've merited a good amount and now have 4/5 int merits done and need just 5 more merit points to finish it out.
Also, the other thing I had been working on was getting a sorc ring and then a set of gear to trigger the latent. Managed to finally do that and i'm more or less broke. I got about 100k on me and another 500k tied up on the AH so i can get by for a bit but need to make some gil. I did go out and Nuke a pudding to see what damage I could do. Got 2330 on Freeze 2 and that was before my last couple of INT merits. Since it doesn't look like i'm going to finish my Morrigans set now the only thing left for me to do on BLM is get that last INT merit, try and find people to assualt for some yigit feet, and then a Novio. Funny thing is i'll probably get a Novio before i get the yigit since noone does assualt much anymore excpet for salvage points and they all do RvB.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Weekly Update 11-13-2009
The New mini expansion, A Shantotto Ascension, came out this week. I've done a bit of the missions but haven't really made an effort to push through and finish them up. For one very few people seem to care about it and are actually doing it. With the last 2 mini expansions there were shouts for groups and missions all the time. This one though you see little interest in people wanting to get it done. I don't blame them. If you have some bad luck in crafting the first fetch quest is down right frustrating to complete. There are a few people in the shell that are going to do it though so once we all have some time I suppose I'll get it done.
With that said events on Monday were called off with low attendance from people not getting the download done. We did squeeze in one Cloud Evoker and are going to do the others along with B2 on this coming Monday. Tuesday's was also a no go for events with people still away. This time probably due to Modern Warfare 2 being released.
Wednesday saw things back on track. Did a limbus zone and then salvage afterwards. Limbus was just a chip farming day so nothing much there to say. Salvage we did ZR and took out 2 frogs and the mega. Frogs dropped nothing again. Mega we got too very late in the run and managed to kill it right as time expired. Got 2 drops we needed but no time to lot so they were lost.
Thursday we did some light sky farming as we needed just a few trigs. Afterwards we went and did B1 for a few LS members that still needed it.
DRG leveling been moving along. Keeva brought me to a LS merit party for me to leach some xp. Between that and some decent xp parties I now sit at 74 and only need 16k to hit 75. I'll probably finish that up today but then I have a lot of other things I need to get started on. First I need to do the Fay Lance fight so I actually have a weapon to use at 75. Then I need to make some purchases from the AH. Basically I been saving up for a Sorc ring and some latent triggering gear for it. I'm about 2/3 of the way there so if I take a few days to work on that I can knock it off the list. Then I'll need even more gil to finally get my SAM leveling underway. So a lot of ENM/KSNM/BSNM is what I would like to do next week.
With that said events on Monday were called off with low attendance from people not getting the download done. We did squeeze in one Cloud Evoker and are going to do the others along with B2 on this coming Monday. Tuesday's was also a no go for events with people still away. This time probably due to Modern Warfare 2 being released.
Wednesday saw things back on track. Did a limbus zone and then salvage afterwards. Limbus was just a chip farming day so nothing much there to say. Salvage we did ZR and took out 2 frogs and the mega. Frogs dropped nothing again. Mega we got too very late in the run and managed to kill it right as time expired. Got 2 drops we needed but no time to lot so they were lost.
Thursday we did some light sky farming as we needed just a few trigs. Afterwards we went and did B1 for a few LS members that still needed it.
DRG leveling been moving along. Keeva brought me to a LS merit party for me to leach some xp. Between that and some decent xp parties I now sit at 74 and only need 16k to hit 75. I'll probably finish that up today but then I have a lot of other things I need to get started on. First I need to do the Fay Lance fight so I actually have a weapon to use at 75. Then I need to make some purchases from the AH. Basically I been saving up for a Sorc ring and some latent triggering gear for it. I'm about 2/3 of the way there so if I take a few days to work on that I can knock it off the list. Then I'll need even more gil to finally get my SAM leveling underway. So a lot of ENM/KSNM/BSNM is what I would like to do next week.
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